The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
56 prime cattle, 2 young bulls, 23 over thirty month cattle, 5,074
prime lambs and 5,096 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at
Longtown on Thursday 19th August, 2010.
A larger show
of prime cattle was on offer and were met by keen bidding which saw
cattle dearer on the week. Limousin bullocks sold to a top of 179.5p
from A. & W.J. Taylor & son, Dashwellgreen and purchased
by W. Kirkup & Sons, Butchers, Longtown, others 174.5p from J. & N.
Blaylock & Son, Hallburn to Messrs Nattrass, Butchers, Carlisle,
173.5p, 167.5p Dashwellgreen, 167.5p, 165.5p Hallburn, 163.5p Dashwellgreen;
Charolais 148.5p Sceughdyke. Heifers to 163.5p Newby Farm, 157.5p
Sceughdyke; Charolais 161.5p Spoutbank, 149.5p Upper Mains, 147.5p
Sceughdyke; Galloway 158.5p Hallburn. Top per head of £1,158.30
for a Charolais bullock from Sceughdyke; Limousin £1,160.43
Hallburn, £1,148.80, £1,130.63
Dashwellgreen, £1,113.88 Hallburn; Galloway £1,006.48
Hallburn. Charolais heifers £926.90, £918.40 Upper Mains;
Limousin £850.50
Young bulls sold to 117.5p and 115.5p for Friesians from
OTMS met a brisk trade and sold to 122.5p (£1,323)
for a Limousin cast bull from J. & J. & D. Taylor, Englishtown.
Cows to 101.5p for a Limousin from Bleatarn, 93.5p Kilnhill, 89.5p
Gallowberry; Hereford 93.5p Smallholms; Frisian 93.5p Scugg House,
79.5p Grainhead; Galloway 81.5p Milnholm.
A larger quality show of 5,074 prime lambs was forward. Trade was
above earlier weeks prices to average 163p overall. Top per kilo
of 213.2p and £93.80 per head for Texels from D. & R. Cornthwaite,
Balgray Hill, Lockerbie, other Texels £90.80 Kirkton, £90
Chapel House; Suffolk £85.80 Lyneholm, £84 North House, £83.20
Lyneholm; Beltex £80 Waterside; Greyface £72.80 The Nook, £68.80
Whintingstown, £67.20 East Unthank; Cheviot £67.20 Potholm, £66
Hownam Grange, £65.20 Adderston Shiels; Half Bred £67.20, £66.20
Adderston Shiels, £65 Earlside; Blackface £63.80 Milnmark
and Allensgreen, £62.20 Crowhall.
More lightweight lambs were
on offer and were again very dear to average 172.55p. Top price of
238.6p per kilo and £66.80 per
head for Texels from Byers Farm, others £62.80 Newington; Suffolk £60.80
Murtholm; Greyface £58.80 Arnicle, £56.40 Williamston;
Blackface £58.20 Balgray Hill, £57.80 Arnicle, £56.20
Crawfordjohn Mill; Charollais £56.80 Maidencoates; North Country
Cheviot £55.80 Whitefield; Swaledale £46.80 Howburn.
smaller entry of 5,086 cast ewes and rams attracted the usual buyers,
trade was very strong throughout. Top price of £155 for a Suffolk
ram from North House; Texel £141 Stackbraes, £130 Pool
Farm; Oxford £113 Guards; North Country Cheviot £101
Newbigging; Lleyn £99 Stackbraes; Charollais £95 Townfoot;
Leicester £89.50 West Hottbank; Beltex £87 Eastside;
Blackface £86 Cleughfoot; Hill Cheviot £79 Cosyden; Zwartbles £75
Heavy ewes to £130.50 for Suffolks from Kilnford
Croft, others £127
Stackbraes; Texel £126 Balgray Hill. £117 Lydden; Charollais £115.50
Mossband Hall, £103 Severs; Leicester £115 Allensgreen;
Milk Sheep £113 Middle Farm; North Country Cheviot £101
Clatequoy and Mid Calder; Beltex £93.50 Bluebell; Oxford £89
Guards; Zwartbles £83 Winterhope; Greyface £83 Pool Farm, £79.50
Church Road, £78.50 Newbigging; Cheviot Mule £81.50 Outertown, £81
Hill ewes to £71 for Cheviots from Winterhope, £70.50
Byreburnside, £67.50 Binks, £67.50 Catslackburn; Lleyn £71
Severs, £65 Lustruther, £63 Golden Lane; Blackface £63.50
West Hottbank, £63, £60.50 Cleughbrae; Swaledale £59.50
Waterloo, £56.50 Woodhall, £55.50 Stackbraes; Shetland £53
Sockbridge Hall.
Goats to £61 from Roadside.
Light to 153.5p (135.1p)
Medium to 157.5p (128.6p)
Heavy to 179.5p (150.7p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 161.5p (148.2p)
Heavy to 163.5p (146.3p)
Young bulls to 117.5p (116.4p)
Light to 238.6p (177.5p)
Standard to 186.7p (165.3p)
Medium to 213.2p (161.1p)
Heavy to 189.0p (155.0p)
Overweight 170p (145.8p)
Light to £71.00 (£42.95)
Heavy to £130.50 (£70.78)
Cast Rams to £155.00(£86.58)