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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 52 prime cattle, 28 over thirty month cattle, 263 spring lambs, 3,618 prime hoggs and 4,045 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 19th May, 2011.

Another good show of well finished cattle ensured a buoyant trade was had throughout. Limousin bullocks topped the sale at 196.5p from A. Irving, Toppin Castle, 190.5p (740kg) The Gill. British Blue bullocks to 194.5p from Toppin Castle.

Principal Prices (per kilo)
Limousin – 196.5p Toppin Castle, 190.5p The Gill, 189.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 188.5p, 186.5p, 185.5p Dashwell Green, 185.5p, Upper Tinwald.
British Blue – 194.5p Toppin Castle.
Charolais – 173.5p Dashwell Green.
Limousin – 179.5p Hallburn, 170.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage.
Blonde d’Aquitaine – 177.5p Hallburn.
Charolais – 171.5p Hallburn, 170.5p Sceughdyke.
Principal Prices (per head)
Limousin – £1,419 The Gill, £1,326 Upper Tinwald, £1,313 Sceughdyke, £1,281 Dashwell Green, £1,270, £1,256 Upper Tinwald, £1,249 The Gill, £1,230 Dashwell Green.
British Blue – £1,244 Toppin Castle.
Charolais - £1,231 Dashwell Green.

A plainer show of cows on offer saw trade as dear as ever. British Blue bullocks topped at 152.5p from T. Armstrong & Sons, Sceughdyke with Limousin cows to 151.5p from Horseholme.

Principal Prices (per kilo)
British Blue – 152.5p Sceughdyke.
Limousin – 151.5p Horseholme, 142.5p, 139.5p Nunscleugh.
Simmental – 134.5p Bellfield.
Charolais – 122.5p Linnbridgeford.
Blue Grey – 115.5p Chapel Farm.
Black & White – 115.5p Peterscrook.
Principal Prices (per head)
British Blue – £1,044 Sceughdyke.
Limousin – £1,037 Horseholme, £990, £961 Nunscleugh.

A nice show of 263 Spring Lambs was forward, averaging 269p per kilo. More lambs now required and can be sold to vendor’s advantage. Top price of 303p per kilo and £138.50 per head for Texels from J. Marshall, Hermitage, others from the same home to £137.50, £136.50, £133.50; Suffolk £130.50, £129.50 Long Strumble, £120.50 Cardew Hall; Charollais £127.50 Kilnhill; Oxford £109.50, £107.80 Guards; Charollais £105.80 Rottington Hall; Zwartbles £103.50 Holmlea; Blackface £100.50, £93.50 Brownchesters.

Another fine show of 3,618 hoggets were forward at Longtown, with best fleshed hoggs continuing to realise a marvellous trade.

Messrs Errington sold 473 hoggs to average 40 kilos, £90.56, 225p.
Messrs Mulgrew, Walney sold 247 hoggs to average 45 kilos, £111.75, 247p.
Messrs Fisher, Smalmstown sold 261 hoggs to average 39 kilos, £97.04, 246p.
Mosshall Farms sold 238 hoggs to average 35 kilos, £81.55, 231p.

The sale averaged 230p per kilo to a top of 278p per kilo for Beltex from Wreay and to £142.50 per head for Texels from Mosshall, others £139.50 Kellah, £138.50 Mosshall; Suffolk £138.50 Riddell Farms, £136.50 Southend; Greyface £121.50 Kirkland Green, £116.50 Kellah, £110.50 Muirhouse and Cranshaws; Hill Cheviot £119.50, £118.50 Southend, £116.50 Bloan; Blackface £119.50 Smalmstown, £116.50 Southend, £110.50, £107.50 Smalmstown; Beltex £114.50 Coytre, £97.50 Ballimore, £96.50 Snade; Charollais £108.50 Kirkland Green, £95.50 South Mains; Cheviot Mule £106.50 Newlands, £92.80 Whitton; Herdwick £98.50, £95.50, £88.50 Rowhead; Zwartbles £96.50 Fountanbleau; North Country Cheviot £94.50 Crowdieknowe, £89.50 Wester Dunnet; Leicester £93.50 Whitton, £89.50 Newbigging; Swaledale £89.50 Smalmstown, £79.50 Westernhopeburn; Dorset £86.50 Redhouse; Easycare £86.50 Cleongart; Milk Sheep £79.80 Golden Lane; Lonk £74.50 Mosshall.

The 1,259 lightweight hoggs sold to a top of £94.50 for Beltex from Wreay; Hill Cheviot £84.50 Allerby Hall; Texel £84.50 Askerton; Blackface £83.80 Smalmstown; North Country Cheviot £82.80 Bimmer Hill; Suffolk £81.50 Westernhopeburn; Greyface £80.50 Shaw Cottage South; Herdwick £77.50 Rowhead; Jacob £67.50 Cardewlees.

The 4,045 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual buyers. Hill ewes and best selling Continental ewes and all classes of rams maintained recent rates but Mule ewes and other heavy ewes, especially if fat were £4 to £5 back on the week.

The sale was topped at £146 for Texel ewes from Mosshall, others £141.50, £140.50 Severs, £138.50 Morningside; Suffolk £134.50 Newlands, £128.50 Fountanbleau, £123.50 Fron Heulog; Rouge £144.50 Severs; Charollais £126.50 Newbigging and Church Road; £124.50 Severs; North Country Cheviot £118.50 Lythmore, £110.50 Durran Mains, £106.50 Overacre; Leicester £114.50, £98.50 Kellah, £96.50 Whitoon, £94.50 Howburn; Zwartbles £110.50 Newlands, £99.50 Thorns; Oxford £110.50 Fountanbleau; Beltex £106.50 Newlands; Half Bred £106.50 Lirrit, £104.50 Overton Bush; Cheviot Mule £95.50 Glenafon, £94.50 Erw Goch; Greyface £90.50 Long Strumble and East Murkle, £89.50 Stirkoke Mains, Thorns, Glenafon and Overton Bush; Bleu d’Maine £90.50 Newlands; Easycare £79.50 Cleongart.

Hill ewes to £86.50 for Blackface from Kellan, others £84.50 The Side, £80.50 Southend and Chapel House; Cheviot £82.50 Newlands, £80.50 Lirrit, £78.50 Inkstack; Lonk £78.50 Bush of Ewes; Swaledale £76.50 Whitton and Dale End, £72.50 Gallowberry, £68.50 Morley Hill and Spoutbank; Jacob £66.50 Dale End; Herdwick £59.50 Cardewlees, £58.50 Mosshall; Kerry Hill £48.50 The Throp.

Rams to £129.50 and £127.50 for Texels from Severs, £126.50 Roadside; Leicester £128.50 Kellan, £118.50 Newbigging, £98.50 Morley Hill; Lleyn £126.50 Newbiggin, £82.50 East Murkle; Beltex £125.50 Severs, £112.50 The Wreay; Hill Cheviot £122.50, £98.50 Newbigging; Charollais £122.50 Newbigging; Suffolk £120.50 Newbigging, £114.50 Overton Bush; North Country Cheviot £108.50, £106.50 Whitton; Blackface £92.50 Kellah, £80.50 Gibblaston; Kerry Hill £92.50 Overton Bush; Swaledale £84.50 Whitton, £59.50 Howburn;


Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 189.5p (186.5p)
Heavy to 196.5p (176.9p)

Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 170.5p (163.1p)
Heavy to 79.5p (167.4p)

Young bulls to -------p (-------p)

Light to 260.0p (228.3p)
Standard to 263.0p (228.6p)
Medium to 273.0p (227.8p)
Heavy to 234.0p (240.4p)
Shlgs to 278.0p (174.0p)

Light to -------p (-------p)
Standard to 286.0p (273.7p)
Medium to 303.0p (258.4p)
Heavy to 301.1p (229.0p)
O/weight to 246.0p (246.2p)

Light to £86.50 (£60.44)
Heavy to £146.50 (£95.63)

Cast Rams to £129.50(£101.42)

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
Tel +44 (0)1228 791215/791300
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