The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
73 prime cattle, 4 young bulls, 34 over thirty month cattle, 2,568
prime lambs and 4,790 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at
Longtown on Thursday 7th July, 2011.
A larger show of 73 prime cattle were on offer and met a remarkable
trade topping at 207.5p for a Limousin bullock from A. Irving, Toppin
Castle with a Limousin heifer from the same home selling at 204.5p,
both being purchased by W. Kirkup & Sons, Butchers, Longtown.
Mr Irvings run of 4 cattle levelled at 204.7p. Other Limousin bullocks
to 203.5p from Messrs Nicholson, The Gill whose cattle averaged 195.2p.
Messrs Taylor, Dashwellgreen sold a run of 10 bullocks which topped
195.5p and averaged 191.2p.
Limousin – 207.5p Toppin Castle, 203.5p The Gill, 202.5p Toppin
Castle, 195.5p Dashwellgreen and Houghton House, 194.5p (x3), 193.5p
(x2), 192.5p (x2) Dashwellgreen.
British Blue – 204.5p Toppin Castle, 184.5p Dashwellgreen.
Bazadaise – 194.5p Nether Onsett.
Saler – 188.5p Dashwellgreen.
Charolais – 183.5p, 182.5p, 180.5p Sceughdyke, 180.5p The Nook.
Limousin – 204.5p Toppin Castle, 196.5p Hallburn, 190.5p Snab
Farm, 186.5p Sandbed, 183.5p Newtown Farm, 178.5p Southwoodhead.
Charolais – 185.5p (x2), 182.5p, 180.5p Wicket Thorn, 178.5p
British Blue – 179.5p Sandbed.
Limousin – £1,390 Toppin Castle, £1,332 The Gill, £1,316
Toppin Castle, £1,299 The Gill, £1,293 Houghton House, £1,280
The Gill, £1,277 Dashwell Green, £1,265 Sceughdyke.
Charolais – £1,302, £1,283 Sceughdyke, £1,275
Nether Onsett.
Saler – £1,281 Dashwell Green.
British Blue – £1,278 Toppin Castle.
Limousin - £1,247 Snab Farm, £1,179 Hallburn, £1,146
Sandbed, £1,124 Toppin Castle.
Charolais – £1,196, £1,186, £1,137, £1,122
Wicket Thorn.
More young bulls are required.
Limousin – 176.5p, 172.5p, 167.5p The Lake.
Angus – 144.5p Westwinds.
Over Thirty Month cattle met a sharper trade with
more fleshed cows on offer. British Blue cows topped the sale at
166.5p from Messrs Ferguson, Sandbed with Limousins to 164.5p Townfoot
Farm, 155.5p Slealands.
British Blue – 166.5p Sandbed, 134.5p D’Mainholm.
Limousin – 164.5p Townfoot, 155.5p, 144.5p, 143.5p Slealands,
136.5p Greensburn, 131.5p Blindhillbush, 124.5p Greystoke Castle.
Blonde d’Aquitaine – 148.5p Campingholm.
Galloway – 139.5p Byers Hall.
Friesian – 139.5p Down by Rigg, 120.5p Edenbank.
Simmental – 137.5p Mid Harrietsfield.
Luing – 117.5p Arkleton.
Limousin – 111.5p, 107.5p Highend.
Limousin – £1,019 Townfoot, £997, £909, £907
Slealands, £907 Greensburn.
Simmental – £914 Mid Harrietsfield.
British Blue – £907 Sandbed, £874 D’Mainholm.
Luing – £875 Arkleton.
Friesian – £843 Down by Rigg, £831 Edenbank.
Limousin – £983, £928 Highend.
A much larger show of 2,568 prime lambs was forward. A full ring
of buyers saw lambs in demand with a tremendous average of 207p per
kilo, a full 45p per kilo ahead of the corresponding week last year.
More lambs regularly required. The sale was topped at 231p per kilo
for Texels from A. & W.J. Taylor & Son, Dashwellgreen and
to £104.50 per head also for Texels from Messrs Walling, Over
Whitlaw, others £100.50 Cubby Hill, £100 Allanshaws, £97.50
Stubsgill; Suffolk £102.50 Kilnford Croft, £98.50 Staffler, £96.20
Upper Mains, £95.50 Reaygarth; Zwartbles £100 Holmlea;
Cheviot Mule £90.20 Allanshaws; Charollais £89.50 Windyhill, £88.20
Macherquhat, £86.20 Knowe Farm; Beltex £87.80 High Airyolland;
North Country Cheviot £85.20 Allanshaws; Greyface £84.80
Lanehead; Half Bred £83.80 High Moat; Oxford £78.50 Stackbraes;
Dorset £76.20 Guards, £75.80 Zetland; Jacob £69.80, £67.80
Another tremendous show of 4,790 cast ewes
and rams were forward
to the usual ring of buyers with trade as dear as ever seen in July
with an overall average of £92.16. Good selling ewes continue
to be in demand but it would be beneficial for lean hill ewes to
be finished further.
The sale was topped at £173.50 for Texel
rams from Smalmstown, others £152.50 Road Side, £146.50
Corries Mill; Suffolk £148.50
Westhill, £133.50 Skaill, £128.50 Bardnaclaven; Beltex £144.50
Newbigging, £128.50 Whitehill Cottage, £101.50 Hobbiesburn;
North Country Cheviot £140.50 Roadside, £92.50 Lirrit;
Hill Cheviot £120.50 Skelfhill, £93.50 Terrona, £86.50
Dinley; Leicester £108.50 High Airyolland, £96.50 Dinley, £88.50
Ramshope; Swaledale £103.50 Stackbraes, £78.50 Ramshope;
Blackface £86.50 Rosgill Hall, £80.50 Alton and Newbigging;
Herdwick £82.50 Longrigg; Shetland £58.50 Tarnside House, £56.50
Heavy ewes to £160.50 and £152.50 for Texels from
Newbigging, £151.50 Severs, £150.50 Roadside, £146.50
Miller Hill; Beltex £140.50 Treehouse, £132.50 Copperthorns, £113.50
Whitehill Cottage; Suffolk £140.50 Skaill, £138.50 Flex, £136.50
Roadside; Millenium Blue £132.50, £100.50 Newbigging;
Leicester £128.50 Raggetsyke, £126.50 Miller Hill, £118.50
Severs, Spoutbank and Raggetsyke; North Country Cheviot £128.50
Longoe, £124.50 Allanshaws and Longoe, £122.50 Allanshaws;
Charollais £122.50 Lydden, £112.50 Redhouse; Rouge £118.50
Severs; Cheviot Mule £114.50 Kirkland Green, £92.50 Parknook;
Greyface £113.50 Stubsgill, £110.50 Tonehall, £109.50
Jacksonrigg, Whinfield and Copperthorns; Zwartbles £106.50
Longrigg, £102.50 Cannon Park; Half Bred £80.50 Beilebedw.
Hill ewes to £108.50 for Cheviots from East Mey, £106.50
Devonshire Rise, £98.50 Whitstonehill, £96.50 Bardnaclaven;
Jacob £96.50 Wilseydown; Lleyn £90.50 Whitehill Cottage;
Blackface £90.50 Crindledykes, £88.50 Derwent House, £84.50
Westhill; Swaledale £86.50 Stackbraes, £84.50 Stubsgill, £82.50
Miller Hill, £79.50 Stubsgill; Herdwick £78.50 Cottage, £74.50
Longrigg, £52.50 Cottage; Beulah £55.50 Devonshire Rise;
Welsh Mountain £53.50 Henllys; Shetland £42.50 East Mey, £39.50
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 174.5p (174.5p)
Heavy to 207.5p (187.1p)
Light to 175.5p (175.5p)
Medium to 183.5p (168.5p)
Heavy to 204.5p (176.8p)
Young bulls to 176.5p (163.8p)
Light to 226.0p (213.1p)
Standard to 222.0p (207.1p)
Medium to 230.0p (207.2p)
Heavy to 210.0p (199.0p)
O/weight to 190.0p (163.4p)
Light to £108.50 (£63.33)
Heavy to £160.50 (£101.26)
Cast Rams to £173.50(£100.66) |