The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC had forward 55
prime cattle, 7 young bulls, 27 over thirty month cattle, 2,262 spring
lambs and 3,698 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown
on Thursday 12th July 2012.
Clean cattle were short of quality sorts and slightly cheaper on
the week. Top price of 217.5p for a Limousin bullock from A. & W.J.
Taylor & Son,
Dashwell Green, 216.5p The Gill; British Blue 215.5p Dashwell Green;
Angus 208.5p Plumpe Farm. Heifers to 215.5p for British Blue from
R. & E.M. Smithson, Bloan Farm; Charolais 211.5p Plumpe Farm.
Limousin – 217.5p Dashwell Green, 216.5p The Gill, 213.5p Dashwell
Green, 212.5p The Gill, 211.5p, 210.5p Dashwell Green, 207.5p The
Gill, 205.5p Houghton House, 204.5p Dashwell Green and Nether Onsett.
British Blue – 215.5p Dashwell Green.
Charolais – 212.5p Dashwell Green, 199.5p Sceughdyke.
Aberdeen Angus – 208.5p, 196.5p Plumpe.
Saler – 205.5p Nether Onsett.
Luing – 184.5p, 183.5p Townfoot.
British Blue – 215.5p Bloan Farm.
Charolais – 211.5p Plumpe, 191.5p Sceughdyke.
Limousin – 199.5p Sandbed, 195.5p Sceughdyke.
British Blue - £1,605, £1,407 Dashwell Green.
Charolais - £1,551 Dashwell Green, £1,249 Plumpe, £1,197
Sceughdyke, £1,020 Plumpe.
Limousin – £1,459 Dashwell Green, £1,458 The Gill, £1,435
Dashwell Green, £1,434 The Gill, £1,431 Houghton House.
Aberdeen Angus - £1,396, £1,228 Plumpe.
Saler - £1,304, £1,190 Nether Onsett, £1,009 Townfoot.
Simmental – £1,256 Sceughdyke.
Luing - £1,107, £1,036, £1,000 Townfoot.
British Blue - £1,228 Bloan Farm.
Limousin – £1,147, £1,112 Sandbed, £1,026
Charolais – £1,142 Plumpe, £1,110 Sceughdyke.
Friesian - £1,028 Sandbed.
Young bulls were short of requirements and maintained
late high rates, selling to 220.5p for a British Blue from J. Retson & Son,
Gardrum, others 215.5p Yett Farm.
British Blue – 220.5p Gardrum, 215.5p Yett Farm, 211.5p, 203.5p
Limousin – 203.5p Yett Farm.
Luing – 197.5p Yett Farm.
British Blue – £1,389, £1,374, £1,363 Gardrum, £1,109
Yett Farm.
Limousin – £1,068 Yett Farm.
Luing – £1,155 Yett Farm.
The 27 OTM cattle were also short of requirements with well fleshed
cattle meeting late good rates, plainer sorts slightly cheaper. Limousin
cows to 161p Nunscleugh; Simmental 144p Sceughdyke; Angus 137p Archerbeck;
Friesian 136p Dockray Hall. Charolais heifers to 189p Plumpe. Angus
bullocks 181p Plumpe.
Charolais – 189p Plumpe.
Aberdeen Angus – 181p Plumpe, 137p Archerbeck, 133p Harehill.
Limousin – 161p Nunscleugh, 151p Wanwood Hill, 147p Sceughdyke,
144p Gallowberry.
Simmental – 144p Sceughdyke.
Friesian – 136p, 133p Dockray Hall.
Limousin – £1,183 Nunscleugh, £1,072 Wanwood Hill, £999
Sceughdyke, £896 Whamtown, £885 Gallowberry.
Aberdeen Angus – £1,167 Plumpe, £970 Harehill, £876
Archerbeck, £854 Girnwood.
Simmental – £1,108 Sceughdyke.
Charolais – £1,039 Plumpe.
Limousin Bull – £1,200 Harehill.
A larger show of 2,262 Spring Lambs averaged 204.2p per kilo (SQQ
204.6p), well in front of most centres this week, this is due to
a shortage of good fleshed lambs owing to current climate problems.
More lambs required. Top of 236.3p per kilo for Texels from The Temon
and to £100.50 per head for Texels from Barrockend, £95.80
Upper Tinwald, £94.80 High House and Upper Mains; Suffolk £92.80
High Moat and Sceughdyke, £91.80 Whins, £90.80 Skelfhill;
Beltex £91.80 Skelfhill; Charollais £87.80 Harelawhill, £84
Staingills, £83.80 Culquhasen; Half Bred £86.20 Earlside, £80.20
High Moat; Greyface £84.80 Peela Hill, £83.20 Brownleazes, £77.80
Kellah; Hill Cheviot £79.80 Mainside; Dorset £72.80 Pennersaughs;
Easycare £71.80 Lowmoor Head.
A smaller show of 3,698 cast ewes, rams and
hoggets were forward
to the usual ring of buyers with trade similar on the week. Good
lean selling ewes remain everyones priority and are still short of
requirements. Smaller plainer hill ewes forward in larger number
and harder to sell. Rams continue to demand premium prices and are
constantly short of buyers requirements.
Top price of £156.50
for Texel rams from Burdon, £152.50
Brocklerigg and Low Hallburn, £145 Low Hallburn; Leicester £149.50
Severs, £140.50 South Hill; Beltex £142.50 Burdon, £83.50
Muirhouse; Suffolk £139.50 Burdon and Severs, £125 Townhead, £117.50
Roadside; Charollais £137.50, £129.50 Burdon, £105.50
Roadside; Rouge £120.50 Burdon; Oxford £109.50 Burdon;
Dorset £108.50 Burdon; North Country Cheviot £96.50 Lirrit;
Hill Cheviot £95.50, £78.50 Mainside; Swaledale £92.50
East Unthank, £76.50 Newbiggin; Lleyn £92.50 Stirches
Mains; Blackface £91 Wanwood Hill; Jacob £89.50 Burdon.
ewes to £141.50 for Texels from Summerhill, £138.50
Severs, £133.50 The Neuk and Roadside; Millenium Blue £129.50
Brantwood; Suffolk £111.50 Severs and Roadside, £110.50
The Challenge, £107 Staingills; Beltex £110.50 Stackbraes, £87.50
Muirhouse; Charollais £107.50 Severs; Leicester £100.50
Pool House, £91.50 High Crossgill, £90.50 East Unthank;
North Country Cheviot £100.50 Airds of Balcary, £97.50
Stackbraes, £96.50 High Moat; Greyface £93.50 Stackbraes, £87.50
Tonehall, £84.50 Copperthorns; Cheviot Mule £89.50 Whinneyknowe, £74.50
Cowcorse; Zwartbles £84.50 Broathill, £81.50 Stackbraes.
ewes to £91.50 for Cheviots from Westhill, £81.50
Staingills, £80.50 Falnash; Blackface £78.50 The Neuk, £74.50
Newbigging Walls, £70.50 Wanwood Hill; Swaledale £73.50
Low Stowbank, £67.50 Stackbraes, £63.50 Butterdales;
Herdwick £71.50 Copperthorns, £56.50, £51.50 Cottage;
Shetland £58.50 Cowcorse; Easycare £54.50 Airds of Balcary.
to £71.50 Allfornaught.
Light to 190.5p (185.2p)
Medium to 210.5p (191.9p)
Heavy to 217.5p (199.8p)
Light to 181.5p (181.5p)
Medium to 215.5p (193.2p)
Heavy to 159.5p (159.5p)
Young bulls to 220.5p (203.4p)
Light to 221.0p (196.5p)
Standard to 236.3p (203.1p)
Medium to 232.0p (203.3p)
Heavy to 202.0p (195.4p)
O/weight to 170.3p (161.4p)
Light to £91.50 (£52.46)
Heavy to £141.50 (£84.41)
Rams to £156.50 (£107.57)
corresponding week 2011 sale report |