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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC had forward 60 prime cattle, 3 young bulls, 32 over thirty month cattle, 5,179 prime lambs and 5,635 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 29th November 2012.

An increased number of prime cattle met keen demand and a larger ringside of buyers ensured averages were well up on the week. The sale was topped at 227.5p for a Limousin heifer from Messrs R. Neill, Upper Tinwald purchased by John Little, others to 225.5p (twice) both from J. & N. Blaylock & Son, Hallburn. Limousin bullocks sold to 221.5p shown by D.J. Garthwaite & Son, Wyseby Hill Cottage. Top price per head of £1,616.90 for a Limousin bullock from N. Forster, Haining House.
Limousin 221.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 218.5p Haining House, 215.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 211.5p Newby Farm, 208.5p Haining House, 206.5p Woodslee, 205.5p Sceughdyke, 199.5p Woodslee and Newby Farm, 197.5p Sceughdyke.
Bazadaise 211.5p Swaites.
British Blue 199.5p Sandbed.
Limousin 227.5p Upper Tinwald, 225.5p (x2) Hallburn, 224.5p, 220.5p Newby Farm, 219.5p High Stenries, 217.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 213.5p Woodslee, 210.5p Castletown, 208.5p Upper Tinwald, 206.5p Bleatarn, 204.5p Castletown, 199.5p High Stenries and Burnfoot.
Charolais 221.5p Hallburn, 215.5p Sceughdyke, 212.5p, 207.5p Hallburn, 203.5p Low Hallburn, 201.5p High Stenries, 199.5p (x2) Hallburn, 198.5p High Stenries, 197.5p Burnfoot on Esk.
Simmental 201.5p Low Hallburn.
Blonde d’Aquitaine 199.5p Burnfoot on Esk.
Limousin £1,616, £1,459 Haining House, £1,350 Sandbed, £1,325 Wyseby Hill Cottage, £1,323 Sceughdyke, £1,317 Wyseby Hill Cottage.
British Blue £1,517, £1,456 Sandbed.
Blonde d’Aquitaine £1,296 Burnfoot on Esk.
Limousin £1,285 Upper Tinwald, £1,250 Wyseby Hill Cottage, £1,229 High Stenries, £1,228 Hallburn, £1,197 Burnfoot on Esk, £1,178 Newby Farm, £1,167 High Stenries, £1,146 Upper Tinwald, £1,138 Hallburn, £1,135 Newby Farm.
Charolais £1,193, £1,185 Hallburn, £1,152 Low Hallburn, £1,136 Hallburn, £1,115 Burnfoot on Esk, £1,109 Low Hallburn.
Simmental £1,165 Burnfoot on Esk.

Some quality young bulls forward but more required. Top price of 223.5p for a Limousin from M. & G.A. Nicholson, The Lake. Top per head of £1,561.58 from G. Mitchinson & Sons, Gallowberry.
Limousin 223.5p The Lake, 221.5p Gallowberry, 219.5p The Lake.
Limousin £1,561 Gallowberry, £1,553, £1,547 The Lake.

A plain show of cast cows saw the sale top at 181.5p for a Limousin from Messrs T. Armstrong & Sons, Sceughdyke.
Limousin 181.5p Sceughdyke, 133.5p Wanwood Hill, Englishtown and High Stenries, 128.5p Englishtown.
Simmental 173.5p, 151.5p Shaw of Dryfe.
Charolais 158.5p Shaw of Dryfe.
Angus 133.5p Cubby Hill, 131.5p High Stenries, 127.5p Sorbie.
British Blue 127.5p Wanwood Hill.
Limousin £1,234 Sceughdyke, £1,001, £918 Englishtown, £821 High Stenries, £814 Wanwood Hill.
Angus £1,054 Cubby Hill, £930 Sorbie.
Simmental £971 Shaw of Dryfe.
British Blue £828 Wanwood Hill.

Another large show of 5,179 lambs was forward to an increased ringside of buyers with best quality, well fleshed lambs easily sold and well fleshed lightweight lambs noticeably dearer. Longtown is rapidly becoming the market to sell best quality butchers lambs with a top of 253.3p and many other lambs 190p to 200p per kilo.

The overall sale average was 158.1p. The sale was topped at 253.3p per kilo and £98.80 per head for Beltex from Messrs Hope, Albierigg, £89.20 Albierigg, £87.80 Waltonwoodhead; Texel £95.80 Kirkton, £94.80 Dormansteads, £93.80 Cardew Hall; Charollais £91.80 The Beeches, £76.80 Woodhouse, £75.80 Skelfhill; Suffolk £89.20 Park Nook, £86.20 Tarrasfoot, £85.20 Sceughdyke; Roussin £85.80 Waterside; Greyface £73.80 Broomhouse, £68.80 Tecket, £67.80 Woodhouse; Cheviot Mule £69.80 Temon, £65.80 Tarrasfoot, £61.80 Springwell; Blackface £68 Lanehead, £67.80 Milnmark, £64.80 Silloans; Hill Cheviot £67.80, £56.80 Catslackburn; North Country Cheviot £67.20 Ceol Har; Oxford £61.80 Park House, £53.80 Guards; Herdwick £60.80, £54.20 Ashley Park; Dorset £57.80 Cowcorse, £56.80 Riggheads, £54.80 Cowcorse; Easycare £52.80 East Fortissit; Swaledale £43.20 Newholme.

The 824 lightweight lambs sold to £61 for Texels from Longrow, £59.80 Ronachan; Beltex £60.80 Glencartholm, £60 Willimoteswick and Bankhead; North Country Cheviot £58.80 Ceol Har; Hill Cheviot £57.80 Skelfhill, £53.80 Bankhead; Blackface £53.80 Skelfhill, £50.20 Linhope; Greyface £53.80 Gibblaston, £52.80 Mid Harrietsfield; Cheviot Mule £50 High Chesters; Swaledale £43.80 Pryhill; Easycare £40.80 East Fortissit.

A smaller show of 5,635 cast ewes and rams were forward to a larger ring of buyers, with all classes of ewes being dearer on the week. Fit Mule ewes regularly £68 to £78 and fit Blackface ewes regularly £45 to £55.

Heavy ewes to £128.50 for Texels from Severs, £122.50 Bardnaclaven, £120.50 Road Side; Charollais £114.50 Road Side, £112.50 Severs, £94.50 Unity; Suffolk £112.50 Bardnclaven, £106.50 Hopehill, £94.50 Nybster; North Country Cheviot £89.50 Redhouse, £88.50 Dalemakethar, £87.50 Longoe; Leicester £88.50 Riggshield, £85.50 Lowes Fell, £79.50 Cowcorse; Greyface £80.50 Dashwell Green, £79.50 Redhouse, £77.50 High Glentriplock; Cheviot Mule £77.50 Waterside, £74.50 Folly, £72.50 Langton Lees; Romney Marsh £70.50 Golden Lane; Oxford £60 Guards.

Hill ewes to £70.50 for Woodlands from Riggshield, £50.50 Gall Farm; Hill Cheviot £63.50 Harwood House, £53.50 Carlenrigg, £52.50 Sorbie; Blackface £59.50 Gall Farm, £57.50 Redhouse, £56.50 Bush of Ewes; Lleyn £54.50, £48.50 Holydean, £36.50 Cowcorse; Jacob £47.50 Howard House; Swaledale £44.50, £39.50 Smyllum, £37.50 Snowden Close; Herdwick £23.50 Haas Grove.
Rams to £118.50 for Texel from Severs, £114.50 Waterside, £112.50 The Silloans; Suffolk £109.50 Lowes Fell, £90.50 Severs, £82.50 Westhill; North Country Cheviot £103.50 Bardnaclaven; Leicester £100 Newbigging, £89.50 Torr Road; Charollais £96.50 Severs; Beltex £89.50 Hopehill, £79.50 Newbigging; Dorset £86.50 Cowcorse, £72.50 Coolkeeran; Beulah £83.50 Severs; Zwartbles £82.50 Severs; Hill Cheviot £69.50 Cowburn; Lleyn £60.50 Newbigging, £55.50 Dalemakethar; Blackface £59.50 Torr Road, £37.50 East Fortissat; Herdwick £50.50 Ashley Park; Easycare £39.50 East Fortissat.

Goats to £64.50 Newbigging, £60.50 Altamuskin, £56.50 Whitegates.


Light to 199.5p (199.5p)
Medium to 221.5p (207.9p)
Heavy to 218.5p (198.5p)

Light to 210.5p (198.0p)
Medium to 227.5p (207.8p)
Heavy to 199.5p (194.0p)

Young bulls to 223.5p (221.4p)

Light to 188.0p (146.1p)
Standard to 253.3p (159.1p)
Medium to 218.0p (159.6p)
Heavy to 195.0p (157.9p)
O/weight to 171.0p (157.8p)

Light to £70.50 (£30.87)
Heavy to £128.50 (£66.06)

Cast Rams to £118.50 (£68.83)

corresponding week 2011 sale report

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
Tel +44 (0)1228 791215/791300
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