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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 42 prime cattle, 5 young bulls, 36 over thirty month cattle, 6,767 prime hoggs and 6,435 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 14th February 2013.

prime cattle

A plainer show of prime cattle were slightly harder to cash. Top price of 227.5p for a Limousin bullock shown by J.C. & D. Nicholson & Son, The Gill, others 226.5p, 224.5p also from Messrs Nicholson, British Blue sold to 225.5p again from The Gill. Charolais heifers sold to 217.5p from W.G. & H.M. Kyle, Spoutbank.

Limousin 227.5p, 226.5p, 224.5p The Gill, 221.5p The Haining House, 216.5p Dashwell Green, 213.5p Nether Onsett, 212.5p, 206.5p Dashwell Green, 204.5p Nether Onsett, 203.5p The Haining House.
British Blue 225.5p The Gill, 221.5p Nether Onsett.
Charolais 202.5p Dashwell Green.

Charolais 217.5p Spoutbank, 216.5p, 211.5p (x2) Hallburn.
Limousin 215.5p Houghton House, 212.5p Upper Tinwald.
Blonde d’Aquitaine 204.5p Hallburn.

British Blue £1,716 Nether Onsett, £1,601 The Gill.
Limousin £1,569, £1,549, £1,460 The Gill, £1,465 The Haining House, £1,441 Nether Onsett, £1,406 The Haining House, £1,402 Dashwell Green.
Charolais £1,524 Sceughdyke.

Charolais £1,376 Sceughdyke, £1,320, £1,194, £1,184 Hallburn.
Limousin £1,211 Upper Tinwald.
British Blue £1,131 Gallowberry.

Prime bulls short of requirements selling to a top of 185.5o for a British Blue x Friesian from T. & M. Irving, Becton Hall. Black & Whites sold to 174.5p and 173.5p both from W.A. Clark, Whins.

A fair show of cast cows resulted in a similar trade. Top price of 186.5p for a Limousin shown by J.W. Coulthard & Son, Brisco Hill, British Blue to 185.5p from B.W. & L.M. Stagg, Longrow.

Limousin 186.5p, 182.5p, 175.5p Brisco Hill, 154.5p Wanwood Hill, 152.5p Gallowberry, 144.5p (x2) Morley Hill, 141.5p Low Stokoe, 138.5p Englishtown, 132.5p, 129.5p Morley Hill.
British Blue 185.5p Longrow, 171.5p Morley Hill.
Charolais 181.5p Low Hallburn.
Blue Grey 177.5p Park Nook.
Simmental 145.5p Morley Hill, 141.5p Low Stokoe.
Angus 133.5p Wanwood Hill.
Black & White 129.5p Hethermill, 125.5p, 110.5p Underwoodhouse.

British Blue £1,131 Longrow, £951 Morley Hill.
Limousin £1,081 Wanwood Hill and Brisco Hill, £1,012 Brisco Hill, £998 Gallowberry, £968 Morley Hill, £903 Brisco Hill, £881 Morley Hill, £863 Low Stokoe, £828 Morley Hill.
Simmental £953 Morley Hill, £948 Low Stokoe.
Charolais £952 Low Hallburn.
Black & White £934, £801 Underwoodhouse.

photo courtesy Robert Smith Photography & Video

sheep ring

Another tremendous show of 6,767 prime hoggs were forward to the usual ring of buyers. An excellent show of export and heavyweight hoggs were forward and in great demand resulting in a sale average of 172p per kilo (SQQ 175.5p), an increase of 6.5p on the week.

The sale topped at £104.50 per head for Texels from J. & E. Logan, Pirntaton and to 251p per kilo for Beltex from K.J. & C.S. Wilson, Wood Farm. Many more best quality export hoggs could have been sold as demand continues to grow. All other classes of hoggs definitely sharper on recent weeks.

Texel £104.50 Pirntaton, £97.80 Yett Farm, £97.50 Muirhill; Beltex £100 Hambletons Way, £98.80 Knowles, £97.80 Wood Farm; Suffolk £98.80 East Murkle, £92.80 Sceughdyke, £90.80 North House; North Country Cheviot £92.80, £87.80, £81.80 Ericstane; Charollais £92.80 Hillside, £78.80 Nether Albie, £76.80 Moss Side; Hill Cheviot £85.80 Nuncleugh, £77.80 West Scales, £76.80 Catslackburn; Half Bred £79.80 East Murkle; Greyface £77.80 Sceughdyke, Oswie and Barnshangan, £75.80 Sceughdyke, £72.80 Machribeg, Kintyre; Blackface £77.80 Winterhopeburn and Craig Douglas, £75.80 Syart, £74.80 Meggatehead and Mackilston; Zwartbles £70 Smalmstown; Cheviot Mule £69.80 North House, £58.80 Temon; Lleyn £67.80, £65.80 Whiteclose; Leicester £67.80 Walton Highrigg, £60 Mains of Collin and Howard House; Swaledale £64.50 Williamston, £50.80 Westburnhope (Scott).

Beltex 251p Wood Farm, 247p Knowles, 244p Longburgh Fauld, 243p Kinghill, 241p Orchardton Mains, 239p Killocraw, Kintyre; Texel 236p Dormonsteads, 232p Hillback, 230p Green Aton, 228p Station Yard, 221p Ericstane; Suffolk 202p Hillfield, 199p Knowles, 195p Whitecroft Mains; Hill Cheviot 193p Lynegar, 191p West Scales, 187p Lanerton, Nunscleugh and West Scales, 185p Sorbie; Charollais 192p Nether Albie, 187p Ardlamy, Kintyre, 186p Swaites, 180p Howard House, 172p Knowe Farm; North Country Cheviot 178p Ericstane, 174p Plumpe, 172p, 171p, 169p Adderston Shiels; Cheviot Mule 175p North House, 159p Temon; Blackface 172p Smalmstown, 169p Mackilston, 168p, 167p Glendearg, 166p Mackilston and Smalmstown, 162p Lanehead; Lleyn 169p, 165p Whiteclose; Greyface 167p Westernhopeburn (Wall), 163p Swaites, 162p Nunscleugh, 161p The Old Police House and Bromfield Hall, 160p Hutlerburn, Blackhamilton, Gallowberry and Smalmstown; Leicester 161p Walton Highrigg; Swaledale 147p Williamston, 137p, 129p Westburnhope (Scott).

The 1,349 lightweight hoggs sold to £78.80 for Beltex from Messrs Lines, Killocraw, Kintyre, £70 Wood Farm; Texel £73.80 Knowles, £63.80 Wydon; Hill Cheviot £60.80 Whinneyknowe, £57.80 Oswie; Charollais £59.80 Ardlamy, Kintyre; North Country Cheviot £60, £53.80 Adderston Shields; Suffolk £59.20 Auchmaliddle, £58.80 Blackpark; Greyface £55.80 Ardlamy, Kintyre, £50 Westernhopeburn (Wall); Blackface £53.80 Glendearg, £46.80 Balliemeanoch; Swaledale £40 Westburnhope (Scott).

A similar show of 6,435 cast ewes and rams were forward to a full ring of buyers. Trade for heavy ewes was on a par with last week, with lightweight ewes £2 better. Large heavy ewes and good selling ewes still short of requirements.

Heavy ewes to £134.50 for Texels from Tercrosset, Orchardton Mains and Road Side, £130.50 Riggheads, £128.50 Dormonsteads; Suffolk £110.50 Lynegar, £104.50 Bardnaclaven, £100.50 Mairhill; Beltex £104.50 Wood Farm, £94.50 Blackhamilton, £86.50 Wood Farm; Charollais £96.50 Road Side, £93.50 Haithwaite, £88.50 Muirside; North Country Cheviot £87.50 Bardnaclaven, £80.50 Whins and Bardnaclaven, £78.50 East Murkle; Cheviot Mule £80.50 Orchardton Mains, £76.50 Relief, £74.50 Ardlamy; Half Bred £80.50 Greenlaw, £68.50 Newbigging, £59.50 Temon; Leicester £76.50 Crowhall, £70.50 Kilkeddan, £70 West Nubbock; Greyface £76.50 Greengatehouse, £74.50 West Nubbock, £72.50 Old Walls, £70.50 Mains of Collin, Spital Shields and Mossburnford; Wensleydale £76.50 Oswie.

Light ewes to £62.50 for Blackfaces from West Nubbock, £59.50 Roberton, £54.50 Allfornaught; Hill Cheviot £57.50 Cowford Farm, £56.50 East Skeroblin, Kintyre, £49.50 Temon and Potholm; Swaledale £40 West Nubbock, £38.50 Spital Shields, £34.50 Gallowberry; Easycare £39.50 Morebattle Tofts; Herdwick £30 Haithwaite, £24.50 Longrow.

Rams to £118.50 for Charollais from Severs, £104.50 Haithwaite, £86.50 Glebelands; Texel £110.50 Severs, £106.50 Riggheads, £100 Toft House; Leicester £110, £90 Morley Hill, £84.50 Ferryhill; Suffolk £98.50 Ruthers, £88.50 Bigginhill, £78 Golden Lane; Hill Cheviot £86.50 Carterton, £72.50 Potholm; Beltex £80.50 Wood Farm; North Country Cheviot £76.50 Damside; Blackface £66.50 West Nubbock, £56.50 Toft House, £55.50 Hutlerburn; Swaledale £59.50 Morley Hill.

Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 226.5p (209.2p)
Heavy to 227.5p (204.5p)

Light to 217.5p (200.8p)
Medium to 215.5p (201.6p)
Heavy to 216.5p (196.2p)

Young bulls 185.5p (169.8p)

Light to 193.0p (146.9p)
Standard to 251.0p (178.7p)
Medium to 247.0p (177.5p)
Heavy to 208.0p (161.6p)

Light to £62.50 (£36.32)
Heavy to £134.50 (£63.40)
Cast Rams £118.50 (£61.90)

corresponding week 2012 sale report

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
Tel +44 (0)1228 791215/791300
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