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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC had forward 59 prime cattle, 8 young bulls, 33 over thirty month cattle, 354 prime lambs, 3,384 prime hoggs and 3,173 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 30th May 2013.

prime cattle

A similar show of prime cattle sold a shade sharper on the week. Topping the sale at 257.5p was a Limousin bullock shown by A. & W.J. Taylor & Son, Dashwellgreen. Limousin heifers sold to 251.5p also from the same home. Messrs Taylor’s run of 12 cattle averaged 242.4p. Limousin bullocks sold to a top gross price of £1,804.43 from J.C. & D. Nicholson, The Gill, whose run of cattle levelled 243.5p.



Limousin 257.5p, 250.5p, 249.5p Dashwellgreen, 245.5p The Gill, 244.5p Fenton Farm, 243.5p The Gill, 242.5p Dashwellgreen, 241.5p Snab Farm and The Gill, 239.5p Houghton House and Netheronsett, 236.5p Netheronsett and Dashwellgreen, 231.5p Fenton Farm, 229.5p, 224.5p Dashwellgreen.

British Blue 240.5p (x2) Dashwellgreen.


Limousin 251.5p, 250.5p Dashwellgreen, 244.5p Ladyhousesteads, 239.5p Dashwellgreen, 217.5p Hallburn, 214.5p Hallburn.

Charolais 250.5p Hallburn, 218.5p Outertown, 215.5p Houghton House.

Angus 218.5p Hallburn.



Limousin £1,804, £1,728, £1,690 The Gill, £1,674 Fenton Farm, £1,603 Dashwellgreen.

British Blue £1,659, £1,635 Dashwellgreen.

Charolais £1,608 Sceughdyke.



Limousin £1,589 Ladyhousesteads, £1,290 Dashwellgreen.

British Blue £1,395 Gardrum, £1,257 Sandbed, £1,225 Becton Hall, £1,215 Sandbed.

Charolais £1,352 Hallburn, £1,235, £1,231 Sceughdyke, £1,228 Houghton House, £1,227 Sceughdyke.

A shortage of prime bulls forward with more needed to take advantage of the good trade. Top price to 246.5p and 242.5p for British Blue from J. Retson & Son, Gardrum.


British Blue 246.5p, 242.5p Gardrum.

Simmental 203.5p, 185.5p Stirches Mains.

Limousin 192.5p Becton Hall.

Galloway 184.5p Dunnabie.


British Blue £1,467, £1,429 Gardrum.

Limousin £1,212 Becton Hall.

Simmental £1,159, £1,140 Stirches Mains.

Black & White £1,105 Becton Hall.

A mixed show of cast cows met a fast selling trade and sold to 163.5p for a Black & White shown by W.T. Bendle & Son, The Nook.


Black & White 163.5p The Nook, 127.5p, 126.5p Whins.

Limousin 155.5p The Lamperts, 149.5p, 139.5p Falside Hill, 135.5p The Lamperts, 129.5p Falside Hill, 118.5p Hightown.

Angus 150.5p, 138.5p Cubbyhill.

British Blue 132.5p Snab Farm, 126.5p Cumcrook.


Limousin £1,135 The Lamperts, £837, £809 Falside Hill.

Angus £1,000, £844 Cubbyhill.

Black & White £923 The Nook, £910, £847 Whins.

Simmental £882 Pennersaughs, £834 High Stenries.

photo courtesy Robert Smith Photography & Video

sheep ring

The 3,384 prime hoggs were a large show for the time of year and were more keenly sought after in any weight range providing they were good meat, with lean hoggs realisation. The sale average was 195p per kilo with best hoggs regularly between 220p and 240p per kilo. 33 sold as stores, 469 two tooth hoggs, 1,140 light hoggs, 2,091 others. The sale was topped at £135 for Texels from Hillside with a top per kilo of 268p for Beltex from the same home.


Texel £135 Hillside and Shepherds Cottage, £131 Hundith Hill, £129.50 Broomhills (Marrs).

Suffolk £131 Spawell, £117 Harwood House, £116.50 Southend, £106 Boundry Farm.

Hill Cheviot £123.50 Bloan Farm, £112.50, £107.50, £106.50, £104.50 Southend.

Charollais £117.50, £109.50 Southend.

Blackface £115.50 Meggethead, £82.50 Westloch, £80 Scotsbrig.

Greyface £97.50 Dirrops, £90 Sornfallow.

Beltex £85.50 Snade.

Swaledale £60 Stonehouse and Sanders Close.


Texel 268p Hillside, 243p The Beeches, 241p Roan Cottage, 234p, 230p Hillside, 229p Broomhills, Lairdlaugh and Hillside, 228p Westerly, 225p The Beeches, 222p Westerly, 221p Broomhills and Dirrops.

Hill Cheviot 243p, 242p, 238p Southend, 237p Bloan Farm, 235p, 234p, 230p Southend, 228p Todhillrigg, 227p Blackwoodridgehouse, 224p Southend, 223p Blackwoodridgehouse.

Beltex 238p Snade, 210p The Laurels.

Charollais 228p, 226p Southend, 209p Priestdykes, 205p Elsdonburn, 200p Burden.

Suffolk 214p Golden Lane, 211p Spawell, 207p Dirrops, 205p Cowcorse, Harwood House and Sceughdyke, 204p Broomhills and Thorns.

Jacob 214p Golden Lane.

Herdwick 208p Auchentaggart.

Greyface 204p New Hummerbecks, 200p Sornfallow and Over Newton.

Blackface 200p Broomhills and Thorns.

The 1,140 lightweight hoggs sold to a top of £80.50 for Texels from Hillside, £68.50 Harwood House; Jacob £75 Golden Lane; Hill Cheviot £71.50 Whiteside, £70 Ribton House; Blackface £69.50 Branteth, £68 Broomhills (Marrs), £58 Whiteside; Greyface £65 Whiteside; Herdwick £62.50 Auchentaggart; Beltex £61 The Laurels; Lleyn £61 Glenlea; Suffolk £60 Sornfallow and Golden Lane; Charollais £59.80 New Hummerbecks; Roussin £54.50 Glenlea.

A grand show of 354 prime lambs was forward at the Annual Show & Sale. More numbers were forward than expected as most farmers are behind their normal selling time. A busy ring of buyers keen for lambs saw a fine average of 253p per kilo, selling to a top of 323p per kilo and £142 per head for Texels from Land Farm. More could be sold to vendors advantage. Many firms keen to kill Friday morning and smart Texel and Beltex lambs didn’t need to be too much weight to realise between 280p and 320p per kilo.

The pre sale show was ably judged by Mr S. Stoddart who made the following awards:-

Single Prime Lamb

Champion – Messrs Martindale, Land Farm – 44 kilo Texel sold at £142 to S. Stoddart

Reserve – Messrs Musgrave, Cardew Hall – 45 kilo Texel sold at £126 to S. Stoddart.

Pair of Prime Lambs

Champion – Messrs Brough, Old Rectory – 42 kilo Texels sold at £122 to Bowood Yorkshire Lamb.

Reserve – Messrs Martindale, Land Farm – 40 kilo Texels sold at £116 to Bowood Yorkshire Lamb.


Texel £142 The Land, £129 Old Rectory, £126 Cardew Hall, £124, £122 Old Rectory, £117, £116 Rottington Hall.

Suffolk £126 Cardew Hall, £118 Spawell, £116 Mossband Hall, £115 Aikton Farm.

Charollais £112, £110, £109 Rottington Hall, £100 Hermitage.

Dorset £104 Porteath.

Zwartbles £100 Woodhousehill.


Texel 323p, 293p The Land, 290.5p Old Rectory, 290p The Land, 285p New Hummerbecks, 282.9p Hermitage, 282.1p Yett Farm, 280p Cardew Hall and Rottington Hall, 276p Hermitage, 270p Old Rectory, 268p Mossband Hall, 261.9p Cardew Hall, 261p The Land, Cardew Hall and Cottage Farm.

Beltex 306p New Hummerbecks.

Suffolk 283p Mossband Hall, 273.2p Westend, 273p The Land, 269p New Hummerbecks, 268p Mossband Hall, 267p Spawell and Aikton Farm, 264p, 255.8p Sceughdyke, 253p Spawell, 252p Old Rectory.

Charollais 290p, 272p Rottington Hall, 270p Westhills.

Dorset 260p Porteath.

Another fine show of 3,173 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual ring of buyers with trade being similar for heavy ewes but lightweight ewes up between £5 and £6. More can now be sold to advantage.

Heavy ewes to £126.50 for Texels from Townhead, £118.50 Little Burtholme, £114.50 Riverhill, £110.50 Townhead, £109.50 Stud Farm, £108.50 Jonesboro House, £106.50 Aldery Terrace; Suffolk £110.50 Longyester, £107.50 Stud Farm, £100 Cardew Hall; Charollais £104.50 Jonesboro House, £102.50 Stud Farm and Riverhill; Beltex £94.50 Snade Farm, £86.50 Elsdonburn, £84.50 Hopehill; Half Bred £90.50 Adderston Shiels; Leicester £90.50 Sanders Close, £86.50 Boreland and Westend; Greyface £83.50 Hopehill, £82.50 Thornington, £78.50 Randalholme, £78.50 Mossband Hall and Broomhills (Armstrong); Zwartbles £84 Woodhousehill; Cheviot Mule £82.50 Stud Farm, £80.50 Riverhill; Bleu d’Maine£81.50, £80.50 Braithwaite Hall; North Country Cheviot £79.50 Sornfallow, £78.50 Adderston Shiels, £77.50 Elsdonburn.

Hill ewes to £67.50 for Blackface from Longyester, £60.50 Elsdonburn, £59.50 Boreland, £57.50 Maidencots, Berryfell, Cowburn and Syart; Hill Cheviot £65.50 Byreburnside, £62.50 Clifton on Bowmont, £61.50 Sloda Hill, £59.50 Tushielaw; Lleyn £64.50 Roan Cottage, £59.50 Sloda Hill; Jacob £60 Main Street; Swaledale £59.50 Stotsfold, £52.50 Cumcrook, £50.50 Aldery Terrace, £48.50 Sanders Close; Easycare £50.50 Marygate; Shetland £46.50 Breconside; Herdwick £41.50 Cowcorse.

Rams to £130.50 for Suffolks from Longyester, £126.50, £106.50 Longyester, £104.50 Braithwaite Hall, £102.50 Whitstonehill; Texel £126.50 Longyester, £124.50 Hassendeanburn and Jonesboro House, £114.50 New Hummerbecks, £112.50 Hermitage and Wood Vale Terrace, £110.50 Wood Vale Terrace, £108.50 Stotsfold; Charollais £118.50 Pates Hill, £116.50 Riverhill, £114.50 Jonesboro House, £104.50 Stud Farm, £100.50 Pates Hill; North Country Cheviot £110.50 Stud Farm, £95.50 Riverhill; Hill Cheviot £88.50 Tushielaw; Beltex £78.50 Hopehill, £76.50 Glenlea; Berrichon £72.50 Shatton Lodge; Swaledale £69.50 Stotsfold; Blackface £68.50 Cramalt, £66.50 Glenlea, £64.50 Chirdon.

Goats to £58 Maidencots.


Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 257.5p (231.6p)
Heavy to 245.5p (232.3p)

Light to 251.5p (205.3p)
Medium to 250.5p (215.4p)
Heavy to 244.5p (208.1p)

Young bulls to 246.5p (201.5p)

Light to 210.0p (170.2p)
Standard to 241.0p (188.4p)
Medium to 268.0p (207.6p)
Heavy to 243.0p (214.5p)
Shlgs 214.0p (169.2p)

Light to 261.0p (236.0p)
Standard to 306.0p (254.5p)
Medium to 323.0p (255.5p)
Heavy to 270.0p (224.7p)
Shlgs 243.0p (175.8p)

Light to £67.50 (£46.90)
Heavy to £126.50 (£76.92)

Cast Rams to £130.50 (£87.99)

corresponding week 2012 sale report

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
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