The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers’ Mart P.L.C. held
the annual sale of Mule ewe lambs on Tuesday
16th September 2008 when there was a catalogued entry of 5506.
Due to Bluetongue regulations,
trade was sticky throughout the day with only top lambs easily sold.
Running lambs upheld record rates, but middle lambs proved harder
to cash.
Champion North of England Mule
Ewe Lambs with Kenneth James (vendor) and John Blaylock (judge) |
At the pre-sale show the judge Mr. J Blaylock, Hallburn, Longtown
awarded the championship to a pen of 10 English bred mules from J
T James, Midtodhills which realised £83 per head to regular
champion lamb buyer Mr. Ridsdale, Yew Tree Farm, Penrith.
Show prize
winners were as follows:-
English Mule ewe lambs
1st & Champion - JT James, Midtodhills £83
2nd Highberries Farming Ltd, East Highberries £68
3rd RJ & D G Telford, Hole of Lyne £58
Scotch Mule ewe
1st A Carruthers & Son, Peelo Hill £68
2nd JA & A Nicholson, Old Police House n/s
3rd GM & C Walton, Allensgreen n/s
John James, Midtodhills, with his champion
pen of North of England Mule Ewe Lambs in the ring |
Principal prices out with the show:-
£59 Midtodhills , £55 Bailey Mill, £54 Highparkfoot & Midtodhills, £53
Wanwoodwoodhill, £52 Hole of Lyne & East Highberries, £51
Hole of Lyne & Old Police House.
Other ewe lambs were in short
supply with Cheviot Mule ewe lambs easily sold. £66, £65
Embley, £61, £56 West
Also forward were 260 shearlings. Greyface £62 Crookburn, £61
Raeburnhead, £60 Crookburn; Cheviot Mule £72, £71
Greenknowe; Texel £52 Smithy Court, £49 Stackbraes; Beltex £50, £48
760 Breeding ewes sold to recent rates. Suffolk £56
Raeburnhead, £54, £48
Greenknowe; Texel £64 Raeburnhead, £53, £50 Stackbraes, £49
Smithy Court; Charollais £64 Raeburnhead; Greyface £63, £55
Flatt, £48 Knowehead, £46 Netherhill; Halfbreds £47
Raeburnhead; Lleyns £41 Tippalt Farms, £40 Harperhill & Height.
2007 sale report>>