The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
623 head at their Annual Hillbred Calf sale on Saturday
23rd October, 2010.
The calves were met by a buoyant trade with as many as 48 active
buyers and many more going home empty handed.
Champion Limousin heifer from
James Latimer |
Judging was ably carried
out by Mr. Jeff Story, who awarded the Jacob Thomlinson Challenge
Trophy to a Limousin heifer from Mr. James Latimer, Rinnion Hills
and later realised £850 to the judge. The reserve
champion was also purchased by the judge, realising £760 for
a Limousin steer from Mr W J Mitchell, Ryehill Park.
Owner of the Champion James Latimer, Rinnion
Hills with the judge Jeff Story |
Prizes awarded
were as follows:-
Limousin bullock: 1st WJ Mitchell, Ryehill Park,
2nd & 3rd M/s Murray, The Throp.
Limousin heifer: 1st J Latimer, Rinnion Hills, 2nd & 3rd W J
Mitchell, Ryehill Park.
Any other Continental bullock: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Greystoke Castle
Auctioneer Ryan Roddan and the
Judge Jeff Story, the cattle L to R are the Reserve Champion
from John Mitchell, the Charolais is the 1st prize other Continental
bullock from Greystoke Castle Farms. |
The highlight of the sale was an excellent run of 157 Charolais
calves from Greystoke Castle Farms, with bullocks selling to £770
and averaging £626, with the heifers to £695 and averaging £561.
Charolais: £815 Clement Leazes, £780 Riggfoot, £770
Greystoke Castle & Clement Leazes, £765 Greystoke, £755, £750, £745
Riggfoot. £710 Riggfoot & Greystoke.
Simmental: £740 Standingstonerigg.
Limousin: £775 Holme House, £770 Rinnion Hills, £765, £760
Woodside, £760 Ryehill Park, £755 Rinnion Hills, £745
The Throp, £740 Standingstonerigg & The Throp.
Angus: £600 Craig Farm
Baz x: £700, £640 Patties Hill
Charolais: £710, £700 Highparkfoot, £695 Greystoke
Castle, £690 Highparkfoot & Clement Leazes; £680
Highparkfoot, £670 Clement Leazes, £655, £650 Greystoke, £640
Limousin: £850 Rinnion Hills, £760, £660 Holme
House, £620 Standingstonerigg, £600 Ryehill Park & Greystoke, £590
Ryehill Park, Greystoke & Cadgillhead.
Angus: £590 Craig Farm
Baz x: £645 Patties Hill
Charolais: £565, £545, £540, £530 Greenburn.
Simmental: £545 The Hagg
Limousin: £550, £510 Blindhillbush