The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their fortnightly
sale of store & breeding cattle at Longtown on Tuesday
20th December, 2011.
A small show of store cattle maintained
later high rates topping at £890 (x2) for Limousin heifers
from Meiklewhitriggs Farm, with Charolais steers to £830 from
Greystoke Castle Farms.
Store Bullocks
Charolais - £830 Greystoke Castle.
Store Heifers
Limousin - £890 (x2) Meiklewhitriggs.
Charolais - £575 (x2), £565 (x2) Greenleycleugh.
Breeding Cattle
Limousin Heifer & heifer calf - £1,500 Greystoke Castle.