The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their fortnightly
sale of Store Cattle at Longtown on Tuesday
14th February, 2012.
A small show of 72 head again met a buoyant trade throughout, selling
to a top of £1,050 for a Charolais bullock from A & B Scott,
Dinley and Heifers sold to £940 for Limousins from JH Robinson & Son,
Store Bullocks
Angus - £1,970 High Plains
Charolais - £1050 Dinley, 880 Shankbridge End
British Blue - £905, £900 High Plains
Store Heifers
Limousin - £940, £925, £865, £850, £810, £805
British Blue - £880 Redgatehead, £860 High Plains, £810
Great Bidlake
Charolais - £795 Shankbridgend
Angus - £870, £860 High Plains