The Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers’ Mart P.L.C. had
forward a catalogue entry of 751 suckled calves at their Annual Show
and Sale on Saturday 6th October 2012.
Credit must be given to all vendors for the way the cattle were
turned out, considering the poor summer we’ve had. Well
fleshed cattle sold extremely well but weathered cattle proved
harder to sell. The sale average was up £59.63 on last
years record average.
We would like to thank the sponsors Capontree Vets, and the judge
Elaine Sedgewick, Durham, who awarded the championship to a terrific
British Blue bullock from A. & J.N. Story, Newbiggin, which later
realised £1,250 and was purchased by the judge.
Champion |
The reserve
champion went to W.H. &
D.A. Gass, Nunscleugh for a Limousin heifer which sold at £1,200,
purchased by A.A. & J. Brand, Fife.
Elaine Sedgewick Judging |
The cup for the best
Charolais was awarded to W.G. & H.M. Kyle, Spoutbank for a heifer
selling at £1,130, purchased by A.A. & J. Brand.
Prize list:-
Limousin bullock – 1st Nunscleugh £1,270
to Messrs Taylor, 2nd Herries Farms £1,220 to Messrs
Taylor, 3rd Newbiggin £1,140 to Messrs Brand.
Limousin heifer - 1st & 2nd Nunscleugh £1,200
to Messrs Brand, 3rd Gallowberry £910 to Waind Farm.
Charolais bullock – 1st Spoutbank £1,050
to Messrs Rearie, 2nd Spoutbank £1,035 to Messrs
Brand, 3rd Riggfoot £1,145 to Messrs Ashburner.
Charolais heifer - 1st Spoutbank £1,130
to Messrs Brand, 2nd Spoutbank £1,100 to Messrs
Walton, 3rd Spoutbank £880 to Messrs Rearie.
Any other breed
bullock – 1st Newbiggin £1,250 to
E. Sedgewick, 2nd Newbiggin £1,110 to Messrs Brand,
3rd Spoutbank £1,150 to Messrs Taylor.
Any other breed
heifer - 1st Herries Farms £1,060 to Messrs
Brand, 2nd Herries Farms £1,085 to Messrs Brand.
Leading consignor averages:- Nunscleugh £1,091 (92),
Herries Farms £1,049 (28), Slealands £1,045 (11), Newbiggin £1,036
(28), Albierigg £1,016 (20), Sutton Close £1,007 (26).
Limousin £1,275 (x7), £1,270 (x2),
£1,265 (x2), £1,255 (x6), £1,250 (x2) Nunscleugh, £1,250
Newbiggin, £1,245 (x4), £1,235 (x4) Nunscleugh,
£1,225 Dodgsonstown, £1,220 (x2) Herries Farms, £1,205
Dodgsonstown, £1,200 The Throp, £1,200 (x2) Nunscleugh,
£1,180 Herries Farms, £1,170 The Throp,
£1,165 Albierigg, £1,160 Herries Farms, £1,160
(x2) Nunscleugh.
British Blue £1,150 (x2) Spoutbank, £1,100 Herries
£1,080 Sutton Close, £1,050 (x2) Spoutbank.
Charolais £1,145 (x4) Riggfoot, £1,080 Sutton
Close, £1,070 Moss Side, £1,065 Riggfoot, £1,055
(x2) High Parkfoot,
£1,050 (x2) Spoutbank, £1,045 (x2) Sutton Close, £1,035
Spoutbank, £1,030 (x5) High Dovecote, £1,020 Riggfoot, £1,005
(x5) High Dovecote, £1,000 Sutton Close.
Blonde d’Aquitaine £1,080,
£1,000 (x2) Sutton Close.
Limousin £1,200 (x2), £1,185 (x3), £1,080
(x5), £1,060 (x3) Nunscleugh, £1,050 Nether Hill and
Herries, £1,040 Herries Farms and Albierigg, £1,040 (x4), £1,020
(x9) Nunscleugh, £1,010 Herries Farms,
£1,000 Netherhill, £975 North Greenhill, £970 (x3)
Hilltop, £970 (x8) Herries Farms.
Charolais £1,130, £1,100 Spoutbank, £1,020
High Parkfoot,
£955 Riggfoot, £950 (x2), £940 High Parkfoot, £880
Spoutbank, £875 (x3) Riggfoot.
British Blue £1,085, £1,060 (x2) Herries Farms.