Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers’ Mart P.L.C. had
forward 3,032 store lambs at their sale at Longtown on Tuesday
9th September, 2008.
Quality was much better and trade much sharper
with many distant buyers present.
Top of £46.20 for Texels
from Ridley Farm, others £44 Hollinclose, £42 Spadeadam;
North Country Cheviot £46 Clover Hill; Charollais £43.50
Greensburn; Greyface £43.50 Station Road, £39 The
Row, £38
Greensburn, £37 Park House; Suffolk £43 Station Road, £41
Blakelaw; Cheviot Mule £35 Shawhill; Blackface £29
Whintingstown, £27 Brownhill.
The first sale of Cheviot
lambs met a very good trade to a top of £40.50 from Humbleheugh, £38.50
Stoophill, £36
Gillesbie Farm.