Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
at their Grand Opening Sale an entry of 709 Breeding Ewes and 1,406
Store Lambs, at Longtown on Tuesday 27th July
A large audience
of people were here to witness the first sale of the season, with
trade superb.
Breeding ewes were overall better quality with trade dearer.
Top of £138
and £125 for Texel shearlings from Maxton House; Greyface £98
Knowe Head and Bayles. Ewes to £106 and £105 for Texels
from Greenknowe; Beltex £90 Greenknowe; Greyface £79
Linton House; Lleyn £77 The Mark.
Store lambs were an outstanding
show with an overall average of £53.77,
up £7.07 on the year. Top of £67 for Texels from Greenknowe,
others £66 Linton House; Suffolk £61.80 Linton House;
Charollais £60 Haswellsyke; Beltex £55.80 Low Blaithwaite;
Greyface £55.50 Sanders Close, £52.50 Bayles, £50
Old Hall and Stonehall, £50.50 Bailey Mill
Cast ewes to £78
Low Blaithwaite.