The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
6,819 store lambs (including 1,960 Cheviots and 1,336 Blackfaces)
at Longtown on Tuesday 12th November 2013.
good show of lambs with trade dearer for smaller lambs with many
local and distant buyers again operating.
Top was £75.50 & £74
for Beltex from East Newburn, others to £71 Sharplaw.
Texels £70.50 Common House, £70 The Gall.
Suffolks £71, £68.50 Routin Lynn, £69 Albie Rigg, £67
Branxholm Brae
Rouges £69.50 Dinwoodie Green
Charollais £64 Doorpool
Cheviot Mules £67 Powisholm.
Greyfaces £66.50 Baggarah, £61.50 Harsondale & Gall
Herdwicks £54 Bowden Farm, £61 Albierigg
Roussin £56.60 Castlefairn
Romeny Marsh £60.50 Cowcorse Cottage
Swaledales £42 East Unthank £40 Broadmea
Tup lambs to £67.50
Routin Lynn.
Feeding ewes £57 Baggarah with Blackfaces £48 Crindledykes
Cast rams £47 Soonhope
Both Cheviots and Blackfaces met the dearest trade of the season
with numbers far short of requirements.
Top was £76, £68
for Hill Northies from Hownam Grange, others £67 Adderston
Hill Cheviots £65.50 Drycleughlea, £64.50 Mainside, £63
Blackfaces £62 Sewing Shields, £60 Gate House, £58.50
Also included in the sale were 8 Bluefaced Leicester Rams
from Quarry House, this renowned stock created a lot of interest
with trade very dear. Top was £360 (2) for Shearlings with
3 shears to £320 and 4 shear £350, £330. Overall
average £307.
Gimmer shearlings to £100.
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