Dumfries Primestock Report
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their Christmas sale of primestock on Wednesday, 4th December 2019 in Dumfries.
Kindly sponsored by Johnston Tractors, Starlyne/Macmin, North West Limousin Cattle Society.
Overall Champion from A & E Vance
19 Prime Cattle Forward:
An outstanding run of quality heavy weight cattle to the days judge Trevor, Becket, Beith who found his champion with a black Limousin bullock (650kg) from A & E Vance, Bridgehouse selling at 300p/kg to Creetown Butchers W Lindsay.
Reserve Champion from W Boyd
Reserve champion from W Boyd, Terregle with a red limousin heifer weighing 690kg realising 240p/kg to Border Meats, Lockerbie.
Best Galloway was won by JWK Paterson & Son
Best Galloway was won by JWK Paterson & Son, Low Three Mark (670kg) 230p/kg to Border Meats Lockerbie.
Other principal prices
Galloway to 225p/kg Kilnstown to Ballard Butchers, Castle Douglas
Charolais to 230p/kg Birchwood Way to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan.
Limousin to 230p/kg Yett to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan.
64 OTM'S Trade sharper for all classes.
Per head – Lim - £1107.70 Brownrigg. Here - £1053 Park. Fleck - £948.75 Slacks, Hols - £903.95 Brownrigg, £896.40 Kirktonfield. Sim - £889 Maryfield. Sal - £872.10 Lantonside. AA - £834.75 Boreland of Southwick, £832.50 Whitehall. Mont - £712.40 Ravenstone Mains, Ayr - £646.80 Ryemuir.
Per Kilo – Sim – 140p Maryfield. Here – 117p Park. Fleck – 115p, 109p Slacks. Lim – 113p Lantonside. Stabi – 111p Carterton. AA – 111p Whitehall. Mont – 110p Knockeffrick. Hols – 108p Kirktonfield, 103p Chapelcroft, 101p Brownrigg. Br Sw 92p Beyond the Burn. Ayr – 88p Park and Ryemuir.
1914 Prime Sheep Forward
Annual Christmas Show & Sale of Prime Lambs with 40 pens being presented to the judge Trevor Becket.
Champion lambs from Gillesbie Farms
After much deliberation the championship ticket was awarded to Gillesbie farms with Beltex lambs (51kg) realising £130 to West Scottish Lamb.
Best Texel Lambs (48kg) realising £112 to West Scottish Lamb.
Best AOB Dutch Spotted lambs (43kg) realising £100 West Scottish Lamb.
Outwith show all classes of lambs much sharper with buyers very active for numbers.
First prize pen of Hillbred lambs from W Barbour Auchenhessnane
41 Lambs (25.5-32kg) Ave 190.9p/kg to210p/kg Maulscastle.
Tex - £62 Maulscastle.
BF - £55.50 Glenmanna.
495 Lambs (32.1- 39kg) Ave 200.3p/kg to 235p/kg Barmurrie.
Belt - £84.50 Heithat, £80 Barmurrie.
Chev - £83.50, £83 Hoddomtown.
Tex - £81.50 Kirkton of Crawford, £81 Foregirth, £80Raggiwhat.
Suff - £80.50 Springfield
BF - £77 Auchenhessnane, £77 Laghead, £76 Murrayton, £75.50 Glenmanna.
Badgerface - £75 Gall
Heb - £75 Gall.
464 Lambs (39.1- 45.5kg) Ave 199.2p/kg to 250p/kg Maryfield.
Tex - £108 Riggheads, £100 Maryfield, £100 Maulscastle, £96 Cloggers Cott.
Belt - £97, £95 Gleston Castle Farms.
Kerry - £90 Maryfield.
Suff - £88.50 Riggheads, £87.50 Barnbarroch.
Chev - £87.50, £86 The Hewke.
X - £83.50 East Polquhirter, £82 Wyliehole.
BF - £79 Wyliehole.
261 Lambs (45.6 - 52kg) Ave 191.7p/kg to 255p/kg Gillesbie.
Belt - £130 Gillesbie.
Tex - £114, £109, £108 Greenfield, £112 Cleughbrae. £106 Riggheads.
Suff - £96 Shangan, £95 Riggheads, £94 West Lanegate
Chev - £90 Druidhall.
X - £84 Druidhall.
BF - £78 Corsencon.
23 Lambs (52.1+kg) Ave 166.8p/kg to 222p/kg Shangan.
Belt - £120 Gillesbie
Tex - £94 Druidhall.
630 Cast Ewes and Rams – Trade remains good.
Belt - £147, £121 Maulscastle, £129.50 Riggheads.
Tex - £143.50 Druidhall, £133.50, £129.50, £125.50 Station Cottages.
Char - £119 Riggheads.
X - £82.50 Howthat, £77.50 Langdyke.
NCC - £81.50 Pendice, £76.50 Druidhall.
Zwart - £73.50 Craigdhu.
BF - £68.50 Auchencheyne, £64.50 Maxwelltown, £62.50 Nether Gribton, £59.50 Craigdhu, £58.50 Glenwhargen, £58.50 Kirkton of Crawford.
Che – £67.50 Glenkiln. £66.50 Glenkiln, £63.50 Pendicle, £61.50 Nether Gribton.
Leic - £85.50 Midlock.
Tex - £84.50 Steilston
BF - £69.50 Kirkton of Crawford, £67.50 Glenwhargen.
- Reserve Champion
- Champion Galloway at Dumfries Christmas Show from Messrs Paterson Low Three Mark weighing 670kg and sold for 230p-kg
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- Champion Galloway at Dumfries Christmas Show from Messrs Paterson Low Three Mark weighing 670kg and sold for 230p-kg-6
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- First prize lambs any other breed at Dumries Mart Christmas Show Dutch Spotted x Beltex from A Jackson
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- Champion Galloway at Dumfries Christmas Show from Messrs Paterson Low Three Mark weighing 670kg and sold for 230p-kg-5
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- Champion Galloway at Dumfries Christmas Show from Messrs Paterson Low Three Mark weighing 670kg and sold for 230p-kg-4
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- Champion lambs at Dumries Mart Christmas Show Beltex x from Gillesbie Farms_-2
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- Champion Galloway at Dumfries Christmas Show from Messrs Paterson Low Three Mark weighing 670kg and sold for 230p-kg-2
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- First prize pen of Hillbred lambs at Dumfries Mart Christmas Show from W Barbour Auchenhessnane
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- Champion Beast at Dumfries Christmas Show Limousin x Steer from Messrs Vance Bridge House 650kg at 300p-kg-2
- Champion lambs at Dumries Mart Christmas Show Beltex x from Gillesbie Farms_
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- Champion Beast at Dumfries Christmas Show Limousin x Steer from Messrs Vance Bridge House 650kg at 300p-kg
corresponding week 2018 sale report