The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 44 prime cattle, 2 young bulls, 25 over thirty month cattle, 85 spring lambs, 5,014 prime hoggs and 4,316 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday
10th May 2012.
A mixed show of prime cattle saw the best quality cattle good to
sell and the plainer sorts harder to cash, but prices peaked at 227.5p
for a Charolais heifer shown by Messrs J. & N. Blaylock & Son,
Hallburn, purchased by Mr J. Little, Limousin heifers to 224.5p from
A. & W.J. Taylor & Son, Dashwell Green and British Blue bullocks
topped at 219.5p, also from Messrs Taylor.
British Blue – 219.5p Dashwell Green.
Limousin – 209.5p The Gill, 209.5p, 207.5p, 203.5p, 202.5p Dashwell
Charolais – 204.5p High Stenries.
Charolais – 227.5p, 203.5p Hallburn.
Limousin – 224.5p, 221.5p, 219.5p Dashwell Green, 216.5p High
Stenries, 211.5p Hallburn, 210.5p Low Hallburn, 206.5p (x2) Houghton
House, 204.5p Sceughdyke.
Charolais – £1,557 Sceughdyke, £1,453 High Stenries, £1,436
Sceughdyke, £1,392 Becton Hall.
Limousin – £1,456 The Gill, £1,442, £1,404
Dashwell Green, £1,342 Bleatarn.
British Blue – £1,371 Dashwell Green.
Charolais – £1,228 Hallburn.
Simmental - £1,196 Sceughdyke, £1,100 Low Hallburn.
Limousin – £1,190 High Stenries, £1,187 Houghton
House, £1,185, £1,178, £1,107 Dashwell Green, £1,175
British Blue - £1,165 Sceughdyke.
Young bulls sold to a top of 169.5p (£1,161) for Friesians
from Becton Hall.
OTM cattle saw cows with flesh maintaining late rates but plainer
leaner cows were a little easier, topping at 164.5p for an Angus cow
from Messrs Tinning, Burnfoot on Esk.
Angus – 164.5p Burnfoot on Esk, 124.5p Cumcrook.
Limousin – 155.5p, 128.5p Cumcrook, 124.5p Bonshawside, 119.5p,
114.5p Highend.
Simmental – 135.5p High Stenries.
Angus – £1,044 Burnfoot on Esk, £865 Cumcrook.
Limousin – £1,133 Highend, £909, £803 Cumcrook.
Simmental – £894 High Stenries.
The 85 spring lambs were short of buyers requirements with no necessity
for lambs to be any heavier than 42 kilos as they are worth less
if so. Top per kilo of 231p (38 kilos) for Texels from Lanehead,
with a top per head of £95 (41kilos) for Texels from Rottington
Hall, £94 Tarnside House and Rottington Hall; Suffolk £91
(48kilos) North Cowshaw, £90 Newbigging; Charollais £86
Golden Lane; Oxford £85, £82 Guards.
The 5,014 prime hoggs forward averaged 178.4p (187.8p in SQQ) with
more heavy weight hoggs forward. Best export weight hoggs (38-44kilos)
were short of requirements, small light weight hoggs were still well
sold but need to have flesh. Many more splitting hoggs were forward
today resulting in lesser trade. The sale was topped at 219p per
kilo for Beltex from Crossgates and to £102.50 per head for
Texels from Hyde Park, £100.50 Backmuir, £96.80 Hyde
Park; Suffolk £100.50, £92.80 Hyde Park, £91.80
Carsloe; North Country Cheviot £97.80, £93.80 Hyde Park, £91.20
Newbigging; Charollais £92.80 Red House, £92.80 Hyde
Park, £89.80 Red House; Hill Cheviot £89.80 Wicket Thorn, £89.20
The Land, £88.20 Haithwaite; Greyface £84.80 Drycleughlea, £82.80
Maidencoates, £79.80 Kelmore Hills; Blackface £82.80
Smalmstown and The Yett, £81.80 Clonrae and Cowcorse, £80.20
Mains of Collin; Swaledale £79.80 Itonfield, £78.80 Westernhopeburn, £73.80
Itonfield; Half Bred £77.80 Mosshead; Cheviot Mule £72.80
A larger show of 4,316 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual
ring of buyers with trade similar on the week but smaller ewes easier
sold than heavy ewes.
Top price of £148.50 for Texel rams from
Moonspark, £144.50
Newbigging, £140.50 Nilston Rigg; Suffolk £138.50 Roadside, £125.50
Nilston Rigg and Houghton House, £120.50 South Farden; Beltex £128.50
Kirkland Green, £103.50 Nilston Rigg, £96.50 Maidencoates;
Leicester £128.50, £98.50 East Unthank, £95.50
Moonspark; Charollais £127.50 Roadside, £120.50 Lirrit, £110.50
Newbigging; North Country Cheviot £122.50 Backmuir, £119.50
Tormore, £108.50 Tofts of Tain; Millenium Blue £112.50
Stackbraes; Wensleydale £108.50 Hardhurst; Zwartbles £99.50
Severs, £96.50 Fontanbleau, £89.50 Backmuir; Hill Cheviot £96.50
Third Farms, £92.50 Tushielaw, £85.50 South Farden;
Swaledale £92.50 Minsca, £76.50 East Unthank, £72.50
Hudgillrigg; Lleyn £88.50 Moonspark; Dorset £89.50 Fontanbleau;
Jacob £88.50 The Parks; Blackface £82.50 Bluebell, £79.50
Backmuir, £73.50 Boreland; Herdwick £68.50 Sparretts
Heavy ewes to £138.50 for Texels from Backmuir, £134.50
Stackbraes, £130.50 Severs and Church Road; Beltex £128.50
Kirkland Green, £120.50 Tercrosset, £118.50 Maidencoates;
Suffolk £126.50 Lirrit, £124.50 Stackbraes, £119.50
Hopehill; Charollais £124.50, £120.50 Road Side, £118.50
Severs; Leicester £118.50 Woodhouse, £108.50 Fordlands, £106.50
Shitlington Hall; North Country Cheviot £112.50 Tormore, £110.50
Durran Mains, £106.50 Lirrit; Bleu d’Maine £112.50
Stackbraes, £110.50, £96.50 Orchard Mains; Half Bred £108.50
Haithwaite, £104.50 Backmuir, £100.50 Fontanbleau; Greyface £102.50
Fontanbleau, £98.50 Tree Farm, £92.50 Newbigging; Cheviot
Mule £96.50 Millhill, £95.50 Fontanbleau, £89.50
Castletown; Zwartbles £94.50 Screel Farm, £89.50 Roadside;
Wensleydale £89.50 Hardhurst; Dorset £85.50 Higher Grenofen, £84.50
Severs; Oxford £79.50 Barend.
Hill ewes to £94.50 for
Cheviots from Bluebell, £90.50
Clatequoy, £88.50 Auchengray; Blackface £85.50 Bluebell, £82.50
Nilston Rigg Farms, £79.50 Newbigging; Kendal Rough £80.50, £78.50
Churchview; Swaledale £74.50 Kelmore Hills, £72.50 East
Unthank, £70.50 Mulberry Farm; Jacob £72.50 The Parks;
Herdwick £62.50 Longrow, £56.50 Stackbraes, £49.50
Kelmore Hills; Shetland £60.50 Fontanbleau.
Light to ------p (-------p)
Medium to 219.5p (201.5p)
Heavy to 209.5p (193.1p)
Light to 221.5p (206.4p)
Medium to 227.5p (200.2p)
Heavy to 204.5p (187.0p)
Young bulls to 169.5p (169.5p)
Light to 215.0p (189.2p)
Standard to 208.0p (190.4p)
Medium to 219.0p (186.3p)
Heavy to 200.0p (163.9p)
Shlgs to 205.0p (150.2p)
Light to 226.7p (226.6p)
Standard to 231.0p (224.6p)
Medium to 230.0p (211.5p)
Heavy to 189.0p (185.3p)
O/weight to 164.0p (164.0p)
Light to £94.50 (£64.53)
Heavy to £138.50 (£90.45)
Rams to £148.50 (£95.20)
corresponding week 2011 sale report |