The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 45
prime cattle, 12 young bulls, 29 over thirty month cattle, 1,369 spring
lambs, 1,338 prime hoggs and 4,732 cast ewes & rams at their weekly
sale at Longtown on Thursday 14th June 2012.
Prime cattle were a plainer show for quality, but the best cattle
still in demand. Top price of 224.5p for a Limousin bullock from D.J.
Garthwaite & Son, Wyseby Hill Cottage, purchased by W. Kirkup & Sons,
Butchers, Longtown, others to 220.5p (x2) again from Messrs Garthwaite
and A & W.J. Taylor & Son, Dashwell Green. Limousin heifers
sold to 222.5p twice, both from Messrs Taylor, Dashwell Green.
Limousin – 224.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 220.5p Dashwell Green
and Wyseby Hill Cottage, 218.5p, 217.5p, 215.5p Dashwell Green, 213.5p
Wyseby Hill Cottage, 209.5p Dashwell Green, 208.5p The Gill, 204.5p
Sceughdyke, 203.5p Dashwell Green and Wyseby Hill Cottage, 200.5p
The Gill.
Saler – 205.5p Nether Onsett.
British Blue – 204.5p Dashwell Green.
Limousin – 222.5p (x2) Dashwell Green, 221.5p Hallburn, 218.5p
Dashwell Green, 212.5p Hallburn, 207.5p Sceughdyke.
Charolais – 208.5p, 205.5p Sceughdyke.
Saler – 207.5p Low Hallburn.
Limousin – £1,532 The Gill, £1,453 Dashwell Green, £1,441, £1,429
Sceughdyke, £1,424 (x2) Dashwell Green, £1,414 Wyseby
Hill Cottage, £1,412 The Gill.
Saler – £1,448 Nether Onsett.
Limousin –£1,203 Sceughdyke, £1,190 Woodslee, £1,134
Dashwell Green.
Charolais – £1,261, £1,248, £1,202 Sceughdyke.
Young bulls met a buoyant trade selling to 219.5p for a British Blue
from J. & N. Blaylock & Son, Hallburn, others 216.5p, 214.5p
from J. Retson & Son, Gardrum.
British Blue – 219.5p Hallburn, 216.5p, 214.5p Gardrum, 212.5p
Netherton, 204.5p Netherton, 197.5p Hallburn.
Limousin – 201.5p Netherton, 195.5p Gillalees.
Black & White – 173.5p Jerriestown.
Limousin – £1,370 Netherton.
British Blue – £1,338 Hallburn, £1,331, £1,287
OTM cattle were again good to sell with a top price of 196.5p for
a Charolais from Messrs Ritson, Swaites. Black & Whites sold to
168.5p from J.G. Vevers, Peterscrook. Charolais stock bulls to 149.5p
(£1,756) from T. Armstrong & Sons, Sceughdyke.
Charolais – 196.5p Swaites, 154.5p Newhouse.
Limousin – 188.5p, 182.5p Sceughdyke, 177.5p High Burnfoot,
173.5p Burnside; 155.5p Gardrum, 141.5p Nickies Hill, 137.5p Gardrum.
Black & White – 168.5p, 135.5p Peterscrook.
Aberdeen Angus – 149.5p Harelawhill.
Galloway – 144.5p Nickies Hill.
Shorthorn – 139.5p Solway Bank.
Simmental – 134.5p Newhouse.
Charolais Bull – 149.5p Sceughdyke.
British Blue – £1,151 Sceughdyke, £907 Snab Farm.
Limousin – £1,215, £1,122 Sceughdyke, £1,065
High Burnfoot, £1,006 Burnside, £948, £893 Gardrum.
Aberdeen Angus – £1,091 Harelawhill.
Charolais - £1,090 Swaites, £818 Newhouse.
Black & Whites – £960, £853 Peterscrook.
Galloway – £845 Nickies Hill.
Charolais Bull – £1,756 Sceughdyke.
A larger show of 1,369 Spring Lambs averaged 210p per kilo, well
in line with the national trend. More lambs required to fill orders.
Top of 228p per kilo for Texels from Middle Farm and to £106.50
per head for Texels from Kilnford Croft, £104.50 Kilnford Croft, £102.50
Cardew Hall; Suffolk £103.80, £102.50 Long Strumble, £96.80
Upper Mains; Zwartbles £98.50 Whitedyke; Charollais £96.80
Upper Mains, £95.50, £94.80 Rottington Hall; Oxford £88.20, £82.80
Guards; Beltex £79 Copperthorns; Greyface £78.80 Gallowberry.
A similar show of 1,338 prime hoggs forward with well fleshed hoggs
of all weight ranges realising an excellent trade, 10-15p dearer
on the week. The sale was topped at 187p per kilo for Cheviots from
Golden Lane and to £98.80 per head for Suffolks from Marygate, £87.80
Marygate, £87.50 Branteth; Texel £96.50 Shinn Road, £95.80
Newbigging, £95.50 Marygate; Hill Cheviot £90.80, £79.50
Bloan Farm, £75.80 Sykehead; Charollais £90 Upper Mains;
Blackface £78.50 Shinn Road, £77.50 Plumpe, £76.80
Shinn Road; Greyface £75.50 Cottage Farm, £73.80 Kirkland
Green, £73.50 Branteth; Jacob £69.50 South Farden; Herdwick £54
Golden Lane.
A larger show of 4,732 cast ewes and rams were forward to a larger
ring of buyers with trade similar on the week, and fat Mule ewes
still proving hard to cash, small hill ewes short of requirements.
price of £149.50 for heavy Texel ewes from South Mains, £148.50
Mid Farm, £147.50 Huntington; Beltex £130.50 Point Road, £120.50
Clement Leazes, £112.50 Stackbraes; Suffolk £117.50 The
Land, £114.50 Haithwaite, £111.50 Huntington; Millenium
Blue £109.50 Tarnside; Charollais £107.50, £106.50
Road Side, £105 St Cuthberts Walk; North Country Cheviot £102.50
Lirrit; Bleu d’Maine £101.50 Haithwaite; Cheviot Mule £100.50
Ty Hen, £98.50 Treehill, £91.50 Ty Hen; Half Bred £99
Newbigging, £93.50 The Land, £93 Backmuir; Leicester £97.50
Haggistone Holm, £91.50 St Cuthberts Walk, £91 Alton;
Greyface £94.50 Haithwaite, £89.50 Road Side, £88.50
Backmuir; Zwartbles £89.50, £77.50 Thorns, £72.50
Tarnside House; Roussin £88.50 Point Road; Dorset £75.50
Point Road, £74.50 Aikton.
Hill ewes to £79.50 for Cheviots
from Carlenrigg, £78.50
Alton, £76.50 Effgill; Blackface £77.50 Alton, £73.50
Lumsdaine, £71 Newbigging; Kerry Hill £75.50 Point Road;
Lleyn £74.50 Westcott and Glebelands, £71.50 Westcott;
Jacob £71.50 Stackbraes, £67.50 Kirkland Green, £63.50
Stackbraes; Easycare £70.50, £67.50 Godscroft, £66.50
Golden Lane; Swaledale £69.50 Stackbraes, £59.50 Lea
Hill, £58.50 Stackbraes; Herdwick £68.50 Cardewlees, £65.50
Stackbraes, £60.50 Golden Lane; Shetland £48.50 Cowcorse, £43.50
Edge Farm, £39.50 Haithwaite.
Rams to £149 for Leicester
from Newbigging, £123 Whitedyke, £99.50
St Cuthberts Walk; Texel £148.50 Severs, £145 New Hummerbecks, £138
Road Side; Bleu d’Maine £135.50 Burdon; Suffolk £129.50
Marygate, £127.50 South Mains, £125 New Hummerbecks;
Dorset £105.50 Burdon; Lleyn £103.50 St Cuthberts Walk, £79.50
The Mark; Romney Marsh £99 Burdon; North Country Cheviot £95
Graystale, £94.50 South Mains; Hill Cheviot £93 Effgill, £89.50
St Cuthberts Walk; Swaledale £82.50, £67.50 Stackbraes;
Easycare £79.50 Lirrit, £67.50 Godscroft; Blackface £78.50
Graystale, £73 Backmuir, £69.50 Lirrit; Woodland £75.50
Shinn Road.
Light to 169.5p (169.5p)
Medium to 224.5p (207.8p)
Heavy to 218.5p (202.4p)
Light to 204.5p (203.9p)
Medium to 219.5p (196.3p)
Heavy to 201.5p (202.3)
Young bulls to 219.5p (193.8p)
Light to 157.0p (143.6p)
Standard to 182.9p (155.8p)
Medium to 187.0p (163.4p)
Heavy to 186.0p (151.1p)
Shlgs to 166.0p (144.0p)
Light to 210.6p (210.6p)
Standard to 212.3p (212.3p)
Medium to 208.0p (208.0p)
Heavy to 199.7p (199.7p)
O/weight to 167.0p (167.0p)
Light to £79.50 (£58.33)
Heavy to £149.50 (£86.73)
Rams to £149.00 (£101.73)
corresponding week 2011 sale report |