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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC had forward 41 prime cattle, 5 young bulls, 19 over thirty month cattle, 1,696 prime lambs, 2,656 prime hoggs and 3,110 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 20th June 2013.

prime cattle

A smaller show of prime cattle forward continued to sell at recent high rates, although plainer cattle were slightly easier. The sale was topped at 259.5p twice, firstly for a Limousin bullock from Messrs Nicholson, The Gill whose cattle average 255p, then for a Limousin bullock from Messrs Sisson, Fenton Farm. Heifers sold to 252.5p from Messrs Taylor, Dashwellgreen.



Limousin 259.5p The Gill and Fenton Farm, 253.5p, 251.5p The Gill, 247.5p (x2), 246.5p Dashwellgreen, 242.5p Sceughdyke, 241.5p Dashwellgreen and Fenton Farm, 240.5p Dashwellgreen.

British Blue 239.5p Dashwellgreen, 234.5p, 230p, 224.5p Sandbed.

Saler 230.5p Nether Onsett.

Charolais 228.5p Dashwellgreen.

Shorthorn 194.5p Sceughdyke.


Charolais 252.5p, 239.5p Dashwellgreen, 223.5p Sceughdyke.

Limousin 250.5p Dashwellgreen, 247.5p,246.5p, 236.5p, 229.5p Hallburn, 224.5p Sceughdyke.



Limousin £1,920 The Gill, £1,764 Fenton Farm, £1,685 Sceuhgdyke, £1,659 The Gill, £1,618 Fenton Farm, £1,609 The Gill, £1,585 Fenton Farm, £1,577, £1,576, £1,575, £1,546, £1,485, £1,473 Dashwellgreen, £1,414 Nether Onsett.

British Blue £1,644, £1,641, £1,582, £1,501 Sandbed, £1,544 Dashwellgreen.

Charolais £1,633 Dashwellgreen.



Charolais £1,552 Dashwellgreen, £1,307 Sceughdyke, £1,281 Dashwellgreen, £1,253, £1,205 Sceughdyke.

British Blue £1,357 Becton Hall.

Limousin £1,302 Sceughdyke, £1,244 Hallburn, £1,237 Sceughdyke, £1,227 Dashwellgreen, £1,216, £1,212 Hallburn, £1,206 Sceughdyke.

A smaller poorer show of prime bulls were forward and sold to 194.5p twice for Limousin and Simmental from Shaw of Dryfe.


Limousin 194.5p Shaw of Dryfe.

Simmental 194.5p, 193.5p Shaw of Dryfe.

Black & White 170.5p Becton Hall.


Black & White £1,125 Becton Hall.

Simmental £1,030 Shaw of Dryfe.

Limousin £953 Shaw of Dryfe.

Less cows on offer due to better weather conditions, continued to sell at recent rates with many more required.


Black & White 163p Sceughdyke, 125p Peterscrook, 118p Eden Farm.

Simmental 137p Temon.

Limousin 129p The Ash.


Black & White £1,230 Sceughdyke, £772 Eden Farm, £695 Jerriestown, £687 Peterscrook.

Simmental £780 Temon.

Limousin £683 The Ash.

photo courtesy Robert Smith Photography & Video

sheep ring

Another larger show of 1,696 prime lambs was well short of buyers requirements as more firms begin to kill larger numbers of lamb. A flying trade saw an improved average of 241.9p per kilo, some 15p up on the week. Quality Texel and Beltex lambs continue to demand a premium and more could be sold to advantage. The most noticeable trade was the demand for lambs between 28 and 35 kilos, which regularly sold between 230p and 260p. More lambs now required on a weekly basis to keep our packed ring of buyers satisfied.

Top price of 296p per kilo for Texels from Mossband House with a top per head of £128.50 for Suffolks from Upper Mains & High Balcray and for Texels from Pennersaughs & Upper Mains.


Texel £128.50 Pennersaughs and Upper Mains, £120.50 Rhoin, £118.50 Dockray Hall and Riggshield.

Suffolk £128.50 Upper Mains and High Balcray, £126.50 Sceughdyke, Fenton and Upper Mains.

Beltex £113.50 Park Nook.

Charollais £109.50 Cardew Hall, £95.80 Rottington Hall, £93.80 The Land, £90.80 Mossbandhouse.

Greyface £90.80 Brownleazes, £80 Bidlake.

Oxford £87.20, £84.80 Guards.

Lleyn £86.80, £79.80 Woodhead.


Texel 296p Mossband House, 281p New Hummerbecks, 279p Middle Farm and Milton Mains, 278p Thorns, 276p Gallowberry, 273p Pennersaughs, 272p Cubby Hill, 270p Whins.

Suffolk 269p Upper Mains, 265p Oswie, 264p Scalehill, 263p Barnglies and Sceughdyke, 261p Becton Hall.

Charollais 259p Mossband House, 257p Porterstown, 249p New Hummerbecks, 246p Rottington Hall.

Beltex 258p Parknook.

Lleyn 222p, 217p Woodhead.

Oxford 218p, 212p Guards.

Greyface 216p Brownleazes, 211p Bidlake.

An unbelievable late season show of 2,656 prime hoggs were forward to a busy ring of buyers all keen for hoggs providing they had good flesh. The sale average was 174.4p per kilo, up some 10p on the week, with best hoggs regularly between 180p and 200p per kilo. Demand for hoggs is likely to continue into July, until lamb numbers increase. 78 sold as stores, 499 two tooth hoggs, 1,000 light hoggs, 1,079 others. The sale was topped at £109 per head and 225p per kilo for Cheviots from Messrs Mulgrew, Southend.


North Country Cheviot £109 Southend, £80.80 Thorns, £79.80 Lowfield Cottage.

Texel £108.50, £102.50 Kinning Hall, £102.50 Becks, £93.50 Thorns, £92.50 Lowfield Cottage.

Charollais £108.50 Southend, £80 Cowcorse.

Suffolk £96.50 Hillcrest, £88.50 Houseden, £81.80 Thorns.

Blackface £96.50 Arnicle, £92.50 Cowcorse, £74.50 Barron House.

Hill Cheviot £94.50, £86.50 Southend, £71.80 Crawfordjohn Mill.

Greyface £81.80 Golden Lane, £80 Thorns, £76.50 Lyneholm, £75.50 Riggshield.

Lleyn £54.80, £54.50 Barnside Farmhouse.

Swaledale £53.80 Lyneholm.


Hill Cheviot 225p, 184p Southend, 184p Mid Harrietsfield, 179p Netherplace.

Texel 218p Becks, 209p Kinning Hall, 202p Golden Lane, 200p Thorns, 197p Netherplace.

North Country Cheviot 218p Southend, 202p Thorns, 194p Ribton House, 190p Lowfield Cottage.

Charollais 217p Southend, 189p Golden Lane.

Suffolk 210p Hillcrest, 200p Thorns, 199p Golden Lane, 189p Thorns.

Greyface 189p, 186p Thorns, 174p, 171p Crawfordjohn Mill, 171p Westfield.

Blackface 186.3p Barron House, 184.1p Thorns, 183p Westfield, 183p, 180p Thorns, 178p Poltalloch.

Swaledale 147p Lyneholm, 145p Westernhopeburn.

The 1,000 lightweight hoggs sold to a top of £68.50 and £65.50 for Texels from Golden Lane; North Country Cheviot £67.80 Ribton House, £59.50 Hownam Grange; Charollais £62.50 Golden Lane; Suffolk £60.50 Yulescroft; Blackface £60.50 Westfield; Greyface £60 Westfield; Hill Cheviot £51.50 Mid Harrietsfield; Swaledale £51.50 Lyneholm, £46.50 Westernhopeburn.

A larger show of 3,110 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual ring of buyers with trade for heavy ewes similar on the week, except for over fat ewes, but smaller hill ewes and lean ewes £4 dearer on the week. Rams continue to sell at high rates.

Heavy ewes to £115.50 for Texels from Hillhead, £114.50 Tobemore, £110.50 Hopehill; Charollais £107.50 Hillhead, £100.50 The Turn and Hillhead, £96.50 The Turn; Suffolk £106.50 Cardew Hall, £104.50 Huntington, £98.50 The Turn; Beltex £100 The Turn, £88.50 Tobemore; Bleu d’maine£92.50 Jenkinstown, £88.50 The Turn, £84.50 Golden Lane; Leicester £92.50 Dalbhraddan, £82.50 Brownleazes, £80 Dunjop; Zwartbles £82.50 The Turn; North Country Cheviot £80.50 Riggshield, £76.50 The Turn, £75.50 Tobemore; Greyface £76.50 Cardew Hall, £74.50 Thorns, £73.50 Haithwaite, Trecorner, Dunjop and East Farm; Cheviot Mule £76.50 West Wharmley and Barnglies; Wiltshire £54.50 Riggshield.

Hill ewes to £59.50 for Blackface from Brownleazes, £68.50, £60.50 Quarry House; Cheviot £68.50 Whins, £64.50 Marygate, £58.50 Mossband House; Swaledale £65.50 Riggshield, £54.50 Spoutbank, £49.50 Allenheads; Lleyn £64.50 Riggshield, £58.50 Dunjop, £55.50 Hunderlee Pasture; Jacob £58.50 Thorns, £49.50 Lyneholm; Easycare £55.50, £54.50, £52.50 Godscroft; Beulah £54.50, £54 Golden Lane; Herdwick £39.50 Cottage, £34.50 Cardewlees, £32.50 Cowcorse.

Rams to £156.50 for Leicester from Brownleazes, £124.50 Westend, £120.50 Brownleazes; Texel £128.50 Brownleazes, £123.50 Barnglies, £120.50 The Turn; Charollais £118.50 The Turn, £104.50 Hillhead, £96.50 Keldhead; Suffolk £110.50 Brownleazes, £88.50 Hillhead; North Country Cheviot £96.50, £82.50 Hownam Grange; Blackface £86.50 Brownleazes, £55.50 Golden Lane, £54.50 Gobergrennan; Lleyn £76.50 Lyneholm, £70 Keldhead; Easycare £68.50, £63.50 Barnside Farmhouse, £47.50 Godscroft.


Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 253.5p (242.1p)
Heavy to 259.5p (229.3p)

Light to 250.5p (245.0p)
Medium to 246.5p (220.4p)
Heavy to 252.5p (222.6p)

Young bulls to 194.5p (186.8p)

Light to 184.0p (153.0p)
Standard to 202.0p (174.1p)
Medium to 225.0p (189.9p)
Heavy to 218.0p (174.1p)
Shlgs 184.0p (148.6p)

Light to 281.0p (238.3p)
Standard to 296.0p (240.6p)
Medium to 270.0p (245.4p)
Heavy to 273.0p (249.5p)
Overweight to 225.0p (191.7p)

Light to £69.50 (£45.77)
Heavy to £115.50 (£72.95)

Cast Rams to £156.50 (£79.84)

corresponding week 2012 sale report

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
Tel +44 (0)1228 791215/791300
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