The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward
42 prime cattle, 6 young bulls, 22 over thirty month cattle, 4,144
prime lambs and 5,275 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at
Longtown on Thursday 8th August 2013.
Prime Cattle
Some quality sorts on offer again which saw trade
3-5p dearer on the week. The sale topped at 254.5p and 248.5p for Limousin
bullocks shown by A & WJ Taylor & Son, Dashwellgreen. Others
to 245.5p (twice) firstly from N. Forster, The Haining House then from JC & D
Nicholson & Son, The Gill. Limousin heifers sold to 233.5p from KW
& Partners, Low Hallburn.
Limousin 254.5p, 248.5p Dashwellgreen, 245.5p Haining House & The
Gill 241.5p, 238.5p, 234.5p Dashwellgreen, 234.5p, 230.5 Houghton House
British Blue 241.5p The Gill
Charolais 235.5p Sceughdyke, 217.5p, 212.5p Upper Mains
Limousin 233.5p Low Hallburn, 224.5p Low Hallburn, 223.5p, 218.5p,
217.5p Hallburn, 214.5p Low Hallburn
Limousin £1,718 The Gill, £1515, £1500 Dashwellgreen, £1500
Houghton House
British Blue £1618 The Gill
Charolais £1376 Upper Mains, £1318, 1298, 1269 Sceughdyke,
£1253, £1196 Upper Mains
Limousin £1206 Hallburn,
£1189 Low Hallburn
Less bulls forward but trade continued to be good, more required to satisfy
demand, Limousin bulls topping at 233.5p &229.5p from GJA Rome & Co,
Niven Hill
Limousin 233.5p, 229.5p Niven Hill,
Simmental 214.5p, 203.5p Kirtleton House
Limousin £1295, £1273 Niven Hill
Simmental £1,372, £1221 Kirtleton House
A mixed show of cast cows met a steady trade. Top price to 143.5p for
a Limousin from N Calvert & Son, Greensburn.
Limousin 143.5p Greensburn, 136.5p, 133.5p Morley Hill, 131.5p Stormont,
121.5p Lea Hill
British Blue 133,5p Summerhill, 121.5p Lea Hill
Black & White 121.5p Whins, 117.5p Peterscrook
Galloway 141.5p Hartsgarth
Luing 139.5p Geltsdale
Limousin £997 Greensburn,
£921, £873 Morley Hill, £841 Stormont
Black & White £911 Whins
Luing £906 Geltsdale
Again a larger show of 4,144 prime lambs were forward to the usual
ring of buyers, keen for sheep, especially well fleshed lambs. Many
lambs 35-38kg are coming forward too lean and the lighter lambs today
were not in as high a demand due to the Muslim feast on Friday. The
sale average was in line with the rest of the country averaging 185p,
with best quality lambs regularly between 200 and 230p. Top price
£112 for Texels from Dormansteads.
Suffolk £93.80 North House, £91.80 Spoutbank, £89.50
Texel £112 Dormansteads,
£105.80 Burnside, £103.50 Dormansteads, £99.80
Greyface £80.80 Spoutbank,
£79.80 Nunscleugh, £72.50 Patties Hill
Charollais £89.80 Leaonavilla,
£86.80 Streethead, £85.80 Rimington Way
Bleu d’ Maine £79 Middle Farm
Leicester £85 Nunscleugh,
£75 Bailey Mill
Cheviot Mule £74.80 Balgray Hill
Oxford £73.80 Guards Farm
Cheviot £69.80 Balgray Hill
Halfbred £75.80 High Moat, £75.20,
£71.50 Earlside
Blackface £65, £57 Prospect House
Ryeland £69.50. £63.80 Hightown
Berrichon £83.80 Sceughdyke
Texel 257p Netherton, 249p Pump Cottage, 237p Cracrop
Bleu d’ Maine 203p Middle Farm
Suffolk 202p Castlemilk, 196p Barnglies, 195p Netherton
Greyface 186p Nunscleugh, 184p Spoutbank, 175p Coldshield
Charollais 193p Streethead, 192p Trawill, 190p Staffler
Hill Cheviot 181p Sundhope, 179p Catslackburn & Balgray
Hill, 176p Whitslade
Cheviot Mule 182p Balgray Hill
Blackface 169p The Yett, 161p Whitslade
Swaledale 152p Knarr, 140p High Edgesgreen
Leicester 160p Bailey Mill, 157p Nunscleugh
Oxfords 180p Guards
Ryeland 178p, 172p, 167p Hightown
Berrichon 200p Sceughdyke
Zwartble 170p Newholme
Lleyn 184p South Bowerhouses
Halfbred 193p, 179p Earlside,
The lightweight lambs were not as keenly sought
after today for the above reason, but good quality well
fleshed lambs 30-35kgs still realising 190 to 200p.
Top price was for £90 for Texels from Netherton, £79
£70 How Farm; Suffolks £69 Wydon,
£65.80 Rinnion Hills, £60.20 Sundhope; Cheviot £60
Lochmailing & Philiphaugh,
£52.80 Whitslade; Charollais £58 Castlemilk,
£54 Tyrone House; Greyface £58.80 Whiteside, £56.80
Softley, £54.80 Midtodhills &
Patties Hill; Blackface £57 The Yett, £54 Blackburn
& The Yett; Swaledale £41.80 Softley,
£41 Knarr; LLeyn £40 South Bowerhouses; Zwartble £57.80
Newholme; Ryeland £53.50 Hightown.
Also held today was the Annual Young Handlers
Show kindly sponsored
by Farmers Guardian and ably judged by a long time customer Mr. Tucker
Armstrong, Sceughdyke.
Champion Katie
Routledge, Netherton Farm |
46 lambs were presented to the judge
in 3 classes with the eventual championship being awarded to Katie
Routledge of Netherton Farm with a 35kg Beltex lamb which realised £90
to Michael Lomax. The reserve championship was awarded to Douglas
Elliot with a Beltex lamb scaling 42kg and realising £94 also
to Mr. Lomax.
Age up to 7 years 1st Katie Routledge 25kg £90
to M Lomax, 2nd Douglas Elliot 42kg £94 to M Lomax
3rd John Routledge 39kg £85 to M Lomax. 4th Charlie
Vevers, 5th Alex Byers, 6th Amy Graham, 7th Isaac
Bouch, 8th Bethany Rutherford, 9th Iona Rutherford,
10th Jack Robinson.
Best handling of lamb 1st Isaac Bouch, 2nd Andrew
Kyle, 3rd Kris Byers
Age 8 to 11 years 1st Sean Dunbar 46kg £85 to M
Lomax, 2nd Alexandra Bouch 35 kg £87 to M Lomax,
3rd Rachel Graham 42kg £93 to M Lomax. 4th Charlie
Robinson, 5th Adam Fisher, 6th Matthew Graham,
7th Kirsty Thorburn, 8th William Kyle, 9th Ellen
Neill, 10th Callum Hall.
Best handling of lamb 1st Rachel Graham, 2nd Callum
Hall, 3rd Kirsty Thorburn
Age 12 to 16 years 1st Joseph Bouch 41kg £96 to
M Lomax, 2nd Kayleigh Jardine 43kg £80 to M Lomax,
3rd John Wigham 47kg £93 to A. Dawson. 4th Louise
Brough, 5th Fraser Murray, 6th Lisa Dunbar,
7th Andrew Neill, 8th Richard Ogle.
Best handling of lamb 1st Kayleigh Jardine, 2nd John
Wigham, 3rd Joseph Bouch
Also today was the show and sale on behalf
of Longtown Young Farmers Club. Again judged by Mr. Tucker Armstrong who awarded the
champion lambs to Richard Priestly of Cracrop Farm with a Texel lamb
scaling 38kg and realising £90 to Mr. Jason Tucker.
Champion & Reserve Young Farmers
Lambs |
reserve champion was Rachel Edminson with a Texel lamb which scaled
45kg realising £96 to Mr Lomax.
A smaller show of 5,275 cast ewes and rams
were forward to a smaller ring of buyers this week, with many of the main Muslim firms not
represented owing to the end of Ramadam. All classes of ewes
would be £8 - £10 back on the week. Best ewes still
short of requirements, but copious amounts of plain ewes forward
as is the fashion throughout the country, proving very difficult
to cash.
Cast rams to £122.50 for Texels from Burnside, £110.50
Hallbank; Suffolk £106.50 West Farm, £89.50 The Challenge;
£68.50 Raeburnfoot, £67.50 Cowcorse; Rouge £118.50
Church Farm, £96.50 Jones House; Blackface £59.50 Morley
Hill; North Country Cheviot £72.50 Gospel Hall, £68.50
Pinewood; Swaledale £56.50 Morley Hill; Dorset £69.50
Jones House; Kerry Hill £72.50 Church Road.
Heavy Charollais ewes to £116.50 Severs; £90.50 Jones
House; Suffolks £87.50 Wick, £86.50 Ballyhead, £82.50
New Farm; Texel £108.50 Pinewood, £107.50 Roadside, £106.50
Severs & Edendales; Bleu de Maine
£68.50 Ormiston Lodge; Halfbreds £82 Pool Farm, £79.50
Wick, £78.50 Pool Farm; Greyface £78.50 Pool Farm,, £70.50
More Place, £70 Pool Farm; Cheviot Mule £64.50 Beckhall;
North Country Cheviot £81 Pool Farm, £76.50 Philiphaugh &
Gospel Hall; Beltex £81.50 Hobbiesburn,
£75.50 Roadside; Leicester £82.50 Sanders Close, £81.50
£79.50 Kirksteads; Zwartble
£63.50 Hobbies Burn.
Light ewes to £56.50 for Cheviots from Raeburnfoot and Blackfaces
from Townhead, other Cheviots £50.50 Cowcorse, £49.50
Thornbrough; Other Blackfaces £55.50 Kirksteads, £54.50
Wanwood Hill; Swaledale £52.50 Softley
& Waterloo, £49.50 Derwent House & Midtodhills; Jacob £54.50
West Farm; Lleyn
£49.50 High Acres, £47.50 Lustruther.
Light to 234.5p
to 254.5p (232.3p)
to 245.5p (225.7p)
Light to 233.5p
to 235.5p (212.7p)
to 209.5p (206.5p)
Young bulls 233.5p
Light to 213.0p
to 257.0p (183.8p)
to 234.0p (189.9p)
to 216.0p (188.2p)
O/weight 186.0p
Light to £56.50 (£28.77)
to £116.50 (£63.02)
Rams £122.50 (£73.97)
photos courtesy Robert
Smith Photography & Video
corresponding week 2012 sale
report |